Skverų atnaujinimo patirtis dviejuose Lietuvos pamario miestuose 2014 metais – mažiau grindinio, daugiau želdinių

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Skverų atnaujinimo patirtis dviejuose Lietuvos pamario miestuose 2014 metais – mažiau grindinio, daugiau želdinių
Alternative Title:
Experience of square renovation in two pomeranian cities of Lithuania in 2014 or less pavement, more plantations
In the Journal:
Miestų želdynų formavimas [Formation of urban green areas]. 2015, Nr. 1 (12), p. 227-235
Klaipėda. Klaipėdos kraštas (Klaipeda region); Neringa; Nida; Lietuva (Lithuania).
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvos miestuose ir miesteliuose daug kur remontuojamos senosios aikštės, skverai. Tokio remonto metu dažnai nesiekiama pagerinti skvero erdvės, pritaikyti nūdienos naudojimo ir grožio poreikiams. Straipsnyje pateikiami dviejų skverų Klaipėdoje ir Nidoje pertvarkymo eksperimentiniai projektai, aprašomi jų projektavimo principai ir bendradarbiavimo su savivaldybių administracijomis patirtis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Erdvių formavimas; Klaipėda; Nida; Skveras; Skvero dangų remontas; Klaipėda; Nida; Shaping of spaces; Square; Square renovation.

ENIn the recent years many old squares in the cities and villages of Lithuania have been renovated. Unfortunately, the correction of square plan, adaptation to contemporary needs of beauty and exploitation is not aimed during such renovation. In 2014, Želdynai JSC made projects of Pempininkai Square in Klaipeda and a square near Nagliu and Pamario streets in Nida, seeking to reduce areas of pavement and to enlarge areas of plantations. Experimental planning method has been applied that included analysis and estimation of the current situation (locomotion and needs of square visitors, clearing of attractive and intrusive views). Separate elements of the squares were composed according to the rule: every plot should have as much of the artificial as it is necessary and as much of the natural as possible (Pilkauskas, 2004). The comparison of the technical characteristics of the current and proposed situation of the squares has been performed. Main results: 1. Spaces of squares were highlighted by forming large territories of meadows framed by paths from all the sides that could be walked around and observed from recreational plots. Areas of squares were isolated from streets by green hedges in order to protect visitors from noise and dust. 2. Different manners of highlighting sculptural accents were suggested: the impression pool with fountain and weather vanes was strengthened by flowerbeds of multiannual flowers and the sculpture Neringa was separated from the street by bushes that formed quiet background as well. 3. The paths were projected in order to frame square spaces but not to divide the area into small territories. It was aimed that the paths served not only for crossing the square but having a walk as well. Benches were placed by the paths so that citizens could relax and feel the intimacy with nature, look around the vide space and admire the view, meet others and communicate.4. The price of renovation of square goes down if the surface of pavement is diminished and replaced by plantations (meadow, bushes, etc.).Pavement costs more than plantation. It is easier and cheaper to take care of natural forms of plantations (naturally growing bushes, multiannual flowers) than trimmed bushes, yearling flowers in soil, flowerpots or pyramids. 5. Collaboration of customers and landscape architects is often troublesome, but necessary when aiming for the results advantageous for the community. [From the publication]

1822-9778; 2029-4549
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