Bizantiškoji mandrolos ikonografijos raida

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Bizantiškoji mandrolos ikonografijos raida
Alternative Title:
Development of the iconography of the Byzantine mandorla
In the Book:
Estetikos ir meno filosofijos transformacijos / sudarytojas Antanas Andrijauskas. Vilnius: Kultūros, filosofijos ir meno institutas, 2005. P. 572-591. (Estetikos ir meno filosofijos tyrinėjimai; 1)
Ikonografija / Iconography.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Bizantijos menas; Ikonografija; Mandorla; Viduramžiai; Byzantine art; Iconography; Mandorla; Middle Ages.

ENThe article deals with the concept of the Glory of God and its Byzantine iconography, namely, mandorla. The glory of God is a manifestation of divine presence or activity. Iconographically, the concept of the glory of God is rendered as an aureole of light which envelops the whole figure of Jesus Christ (in certain cases - also of Virgin Mary) and is called the mandorla. Mandorla renders the divine, and not human, nature of Jesus Christ that was manifested e.g. to chosen spectators during the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor. Concerning the origin of the mandorla, the influence of the late Roman imago clipeata is discussed. Next, the four different types of mandorla are discerned. The first two (circular mandorla - mandorla as a cloud, as well as mandorla as Tabernacle in the scenes of Dormition) are the representations of the divine presence, of the divine dwelling-place. The other two types (oval mandorla, as well as the star-pattern mandorla) represent divine glory as light. The examples are provided to illustrate each of the four types of the Byzantine iconography of the mandorla. [From the publication]

2022-07-06 10:49:58
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