The Baltic banking system in the enlarged European Union: the effect of the financial crisis on efficiency

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
The Baltic banking system in the enlarged European Union: the effect of the financial crisis on efficiency
In the Journal:
Baltic journal of economics. 2018, Vol. 18, no. 1, p. 1-24
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Bajeso išvada; Bankų efektyvumas; Ekonominė krizė; Stochastiniai modeliai; Stochastiniai pasienio modeliai; Banking efficiency; Bayesian inference; Economic crisis; Stochastic frontier models.

ENThe main objective of this study is to analyse the evolution of banking efficiency in the Baltic countries after their accession to the EU and during the financial crisis, and to check whether there are significant differences between these countries as a consequence of their particular characteristics. To that end, we have estimated the evolution of cost and profit efficiency in the Baltic countries in the context of the enlarged EU during the period 2000–2013 using Bayesian stochastic frontier models. Our results show the greater robustness of Estonian banking in terms of profits during the financial crisis in comparison to their neighbours. Additionally, Baltic banking has recovered its profit efficiencies very quickly after the financial crisis. However, cost efficiency is still at low levels in line with the other European countries. [From the publication]

1406-099X; 2334-4385
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2021-04-18 17:28:24
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