Psichologinio atsparumo ugdymas rengiant karininkus

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Psichologinio atsparumo ugdymas rengiant karininkus
Alternative Title:
Psychological resilience in military training
In the Journal:
Kariuomenė / Army.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamos karių ir karininkų psichologinio atsparumo ugdymo galimybės. Pagrindinis dėmesys sutelktas į psichologinio atsparumo svarbą šios profesijos atstovams. Kariuomenė pati savaime dėl savo funkcijų yra neatsiejama nuo nelaimių, iššūkių, negatyvių patirčių ir kasdieninio streso. Dauguma nepageidaujamų patirčių siejamos su ilgalaikėmis misijomis, operacijomis, nuolatiniu neapibrėžtumu, ilgu išsiskyrimu su artimaisiais, kolegomis, dažnu gyvenamosios vietos keitimu ir karių tarpusavio santykiais. Nuolatinė darbo ir asmeninės aplinkos veiksnių dinamika, asmeniui skirtingose gyvenimo sferose keliami reikalavimai, iššūkiai, siekiant tikslų, neišvengiamai verčia ugdyti gebėjimą nepalūžti, nepasiduoti, išsaugoti savivertę, sunkumuose įžvelgti galimybes ir naudą, o ne problemas ir žlugdymą (ugdyti psichologinį atsparumą). [Iš leidinio]

ENThe phenomenon of psychological resilience has been attracting more and more researchers’ attention over the recent decades. Psychological resilience is an ability to withstand, control and cope with life challenges and successfully maintain both emotional and cognitive balance disregarding negative effects of stress. Researches on psychological resilience, determination of its formation mechanism and analysis of possible consequences are important not only to psychologists but also to other practitioners and representatives of different professions. Psychological resilience has been mostly studied in the organizations the employees of which (doctors, nurses, teachers, soldiers, and policemen) have an exceptionally important responsibilities and the need for psychological counselling in day-to-day job-related tasks. Due to the fact that in current context organizations are rapidly changing and the rates of their staff turnover are fast, researches on psychological resilience are becoming increasingly important to all working people. The researches on psychological resilience were most often performed with the US soldiers to direct a greater focus towards the assumptions and consequences of the formation of resilience, analysis of its role during the process of newcomers’ adaptation and its importance in preventing post-traumatic stress disorder or towards the determination of the effectiveness of individual resilience training programs. A link between psychological resilience and successful completion of military studies can be found. The soldiers who have completed the training for the Special Operations Forces have higher level of psychological resilience than those who have found this special training too arduous. Also, it was found that the soldiers’ psychological resilience is related to their welfare and the level of stress they have experienced.The study also revealed that the soldiers who have finished resistance training experience fewer episodes of anxiety and depression. Military personnel training is a challenge faced today and is likely to remain in the near future. Every day there is a need to look for factors that can increase soldiers’ motivation to serve Lithuania. The factors help select and train soldiers capable of performing their duties professionally despite complexity and limitations of their profession and constantly encountered professional challenges. Psychological resilience is formed due to genetic, epigenetic, psychosocial and neurochemical factors and their interaction. It is a process that involves the interaction of personal reactions, abilities and experiences in difficult, unwanted and dysfunctional situations. Psychological resilience can be developed through continuous practice by including it in the military training programs offered by the Military Academy of Lithuania or any other military training institution. [From the publication]

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2022-08-29 15:20:31
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