Avangardo ištakos Čiurlionio muzikoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Avangardo ištakos Čiurlionio muzikoje
Alternative Title:
Sources of the avantgarde in Čiurlionis‘ music
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Avangardinė muzika; Garsų grandinės; Klišė; Konsonuojantis lineariškumas; Konsonuojantis lineartiškumas; Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis; Muzikos kūrinio neužbaigtumas; Naujas individualumas; Naujasis individualumas; Ontologinis dvasingumas; Ostinato principai; Polimetriniaisluoksniai; Poliritminiai sluoksniai; Vizualumas; , the onthological spirituality; , vizuality; Avantgarde music; Cliche, the new individuality; Linear consonance; Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis; Onthological spirituality; Sound chains; The completlessness of the work of music; The multi measuremen; The new individuality; The polyrhythmical layer; The polyrhythmical layers; The principles of ostinato.

ENThe parallels of the works of M.K. Čiurlionis and contemporary Lithuanian composers. The search of the sources of avantgarde in the music of M.K. Čiurlionis that is made using a comparative method of study. The avantgarde music of Lithuanian composers, while being enough radical by its technical means, searches and continues the searchings of the čiurlionian spirituality. Key words: Sound chains, linear consonance, the principles of ostinato, the polyrhythmical layers, vizuality, the completlessness of the work of music, cliche, the new individuality, the multi measurement, the onthological spirituality. The aim of the article is to search and to notice in the new Lithuanian music, especially in its radical occurences, the beginnings, manifestations of čiurlionian experiences. Or, if to say in another words, to search and to find the life giving sources of the avantgarde. M.K. ČiurIionis twenty years earlier than the representatives of New Vena used the principle how to compose the serial music, characteristic to orthodoxal avantgarde. Decades further a new generation of Lithuanian composers developed the manifestations of the clasical avantgarde. There are discussed sound chains, linear consonance, the principles of ostinato as well as is made more clear the new individuality of the musical work, the peculiarities that had led towards the radical expressions: the visual aspect and the complexlessness of M.K. Čiurlionis works like the avantgarde of the art - play. M.K. ČiurIionis as well as Lithuanian avantgardists have a common point of view of music not only as naturally given value, but as newly thought manifestation. There are discussed the sources of multi measurement and of usage of cliches in the compositions of M.K. Čiurlionis and their role in the Lithuanian avantgarde music. [From the publication]

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2019-11-19 19:33:34
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