Klasterių Lietuvoje radimosi prielaidos: nuo neformalaus bendradarbiavimo iki jo įteisinimo

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Klasterių Lietuvoje radimosi prielaidos: nuo neformalaus bendradarbiavimo iki jo įteisinimo
Alternative Title:
Preconditions for emergence of Lithuanian clusters: from informal cooperation to its legitimation
In the Journal:
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai [Management of Organizations: Systematic Research]. 2017, Nr. 77, p. 37-56
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje atskleidžiamos klasterių kaip saviorganizacija grindžiamų industrinių sistemų radimosi prielaidos kontekste, kuriame nepakankamai susiformavusios bendradarbiavimo tradicijos. Šios prielaidos atspindi kompleksiškumo teorijoje išskirtus saviorganizuojančių kompleksinių adaptyvių sistemų radimosi principus, grindžiamus nepusiausvyros būsenos inicijavimu ir tikslingu jos nukreipimu į naujos tvarkos kūrimą. Straipsnyje akcentuojamos pagrindinės išorinės ir vidinės įtampos, darančios įtaką neformaliam ar įteisintam įmonių susitelkimui, skirtingų pokyčių agentų vaidmenys, įveiklinant saviorganizacinius procesus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Klasteriai; Kompleksinės adaptyvios sistemos; Industrinės sistemos; Saviorganizacija; Klasterių radimasis; Clusters; Complex adaptive systems; Industrial systems; Self-organisation; Cluster emergence.

ENScience, politics and business representatives acknowledge the importance of business companies working together in a system in order to adapt to an even more complex environment in a qualitative, flexible and timely manner. However, the emergence of self-organisation based industrial system that is embedded in a particular context is not a simple process. It faces many challenges especially in an immature socio-economic context that is characterized by low trust and poor cooperation traditions. Thus, the aim of this paper is to reveal the preconditions behind the emergence of self-organising industrial systems in the context of a fragmented socio-economic and institutional environment. The paper objectives are as follows: 1) to reveal the concept of a cluster as a self-organising industrial system; 2) to present the principles of the emergence of self-organising industrial systems based on the complexity theory; 3) to reveal preconditions behind the emergence of clusters as self-organising industrial systems in Lithuania. The findings of empirical research focus on the period between the first manifestation of informal cooperation and the legislation of clusters. The content analysis of interviews with coordinators of nine Lithuanian clusters revealed the main principles behind the cluster emergence as emphasised in the complexity theory, i.e., initiating and strengthening non-equilibrium through interactions while various change agents, coming from industry, universities or public institutions, encouraged the formation of cooperation by highlighting the sense of changes and providing necessary resources. In five cases, the medium-sized enterprises played this role of a change agent, while in the cases of the emergence of high-technology clusters scientists were the ones who initiated the first changes.Most of the analysed clusters had a history of informal cooperation among a smaller or bigger group of actors, and this cooperation started as a natural reaction to a need for improving business conditions. The cooperation was also developed as a clustering of linked enterprises in a particular physical place, and such a case reveals the importance of a physical proximity to develop relationships. The research results revealed that legitimation of clusters was influenced by the enterprises’ need for a better competence usage, better representation of industry enterprises abroad, attracting larger customers, creating innovative products, facilitating financial settlement, a better distribution of funding, and, finally, for acquiring the EU funds. In contrast to “artificial” clusters, which were created only for sharing the acquired EU funds, most of the analysed clusters already had more or less experience in cooperation and acquiring those funds was a reaction to the emerging opportunities to develop research infrastructure and innovative products. Empirical research results also revealed the importance of experts, such as cluster facilitators or group’s moderators, which influenced the further formation of a cluster, even when resources and experience of enterprises to develop interactions were limited. Cluster coordinators in the interviews also emphasised personal qualities of cluster participants, such as enthusiasm, hard work, long-term orientation, eagerness to share and trust. In addition, developing specializations and implementing differentiation strategies enhance the probability of cooperation. [From the publication]

1392-1142; 2335-8750
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2018-12-17 14:16:17
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