Urbanistinio planavimo reglamentavimas teritorijų planavimo įstatymo redakcijose

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Urbanistinio planavimo reglamentavimas teritorijų planavimo įstatymo redakcijose
Alternative Title:
Regulation of urban planning in the wording of the law on territorial planning
In the Book:
Architektūros kokybės užtikrinimo priemonės / sudarytojai: L. Nekrošius, V. Petrušonis, E. Riaubienė, A. Štelbienė. Vilnius: Technika, 2017. P. 50-71. (Architektūra: objektai ir kontekstai. T. 3)
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Bendrasis planas; Detalusis planas; Teritorijų planavimas; Teritorinio planavimo teisė; Urbanistika; Urbanistinio planavimo reglamentavimas; Urbanistinis planavimas; Detailed plan; Law on territorial planning; Master plan; Regulation of urban planning; Territorial planning; Urban development; Urban planning.

ENSpatial planning solutions directly influence the design process and is an important determinant of the quality of the architecture. Building designs can be evaluated only in the context of the environment, and the architectural expression of the objects is influenced by the regulations applicable in the planned territory. Urban regulations should be an effective means of managing the urbanization process. Each country and city identifies unique urban problems, interpreting different ways of solving them from the principles of sustainable development to aesthetic priority. One of the most important means of regulating urban development is urban planning documents. However, such type of territorial planning documents were not and do not exist in the legal acts in force in the Republic of Lithuania. Prior to the adoption of the Law on Territorial Planning (from 01.01.1996), the practice followed in the Soviet era continued, when the detailed plans of the town analyzed the urban context of the territory and the principal decisions of the architectural composition of the building.According to the provisions of the second edition of the Law on Territorial Planning, the issues of urban planning had to be addressed in the preparation of general plans and detailed plans of cities and towns. The essential provisions of the Law are important in the analysis of the current (third) version of the Territorial Planning. Although the purpose of the Law is to ensure the harmonious development of territories and rational urbanization, the reading of the text of the Law creates an opposite view. If the first version of the Law was oriented towards excessive planning, the second edition of the Law sought a balance between the need to plan and not plan, the third edition of the Law obviously intended not to plan the territories. The provisions of the law did not ensure the harmonious development of territories and rational urbanization, but destroyed a clear system of preparation of territorial planning documents, which became only a chaotic amount of planning components. [From the publication]

2020-04-24 06:41:39
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