Понятие "родной язык" в представлении жителей Литвы (на материале медиадискурса Литвы 2004–2014 г.г.)

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Rusų kalba / Russian
Понятие "родной язык" в представлении жителей Литвы (на материале медиадискурса Литвы 2004–2014 г.г.)
Alternative Title:
  • "Gimtosios kalbos" sąvoka Lietuvos gyventojų pasaulėvaizdyje: Lietuvos internetinių svetainių tyrimas
  • Concept of native language in the picture of the world of people in Lithuania (based on Lithuanian on-line media)
In the Journal:
Verbum. 2015, t. 6, p. 150-158
Daugiakalbystė / Multilingualism; Dvikalbystė / Bilingualism; Kalbos vartojimas. Sociolingvistika / Language use. Sociolinguistics; Ideologija. Pasaulėžiūra / Ideology. Worldviews; Medijos / Media.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Daugiakalbystė; Dvikalbystė; Gimtoji kalba; Medijų diskursas; Pasaulio paveikslas, žiniasklaidos diskursas; Pasaulėvaizdis; Bilingualism; Discourse; Media; Media discourse; Multilingualism; Native language; The picture of the world; The world-outlook.

ENThe aim of the article is to present the results of an analysis of texts in which people talk about their native language, and to understand what they mean when they are talking about their native language. Russians and Lithuanians use the term "native language" (Rus. родной язык, Lit. gimtoji kalba) to name their first (or primary, or dominant, or language of parents) in everyday speech. The term "ethnic language" in everyday Russian and Lithuanian speech practically is not used, this term is relevant to texts written in the framework of sociolinguistics, which delineate the terms "ethnic language" and "native language". For example, V. Belikov and L. Krysin (2001) give examples of such a mismatch of native and ethnic languages from Russian reality: for an Evenk who has lived in Yakutia since childhood, the mother tongue is likely to be the Yakut. The discrepancy between the native and ethnic languages is quite a new phenomenon in Lithuanian reality. It is significantly that only during the census of 2011 in Lithuania, it became possible to write two languages in the field "native language". Before 2011, it had been possible to indicate only one language. The census of 2011 in Lithuania gave an important result: it became clear that ethnicity and native language are not interdependent categories in Lithuania. Thus, it becomes obvious that the concept of "native language" undergoes certain transformation in the consciousness of citizens of Lithuania. The article presents the results of a study whose purpose was to describe the concept of "native language" in the picture of the world of people in Lithuania. The study was conducted based on the material of contemporary Lithuania’s media in Lithuanian and Russian. The analysis showed that the main component of the concept of "native language" in the picture of the world of people in Lithuania is the meaning: native, first, ch.The meanings second native language, imposed a second mother tongue, becoming the second language, the loss of the native language, the threat of the English language, literacy, values, old-fashioned concept are also important. [From the publication]

2538-8746; 2029-6223
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