Mokyklų vadovų ir mokytojų motyvavimo strategijos, kaip mokinių vidinės mokymosi motyvacijos veiksniai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokyklų vadovų ir mokytojų motyvavimo strategijos, kaip mokinių vidinės mokymosi motyvacijos veiksniai
Alternative Title:
Motivational strategiesof school headmasters and teachers as the inner study motivation of students factors
In the Journal:
Edukacinės studijos. 2008, 5, p. 160-167
Utena; Lietuva (Lithuania); Mokykla / School; Valdymas / Management.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Išorinė mokymosi motyvacija; Mokyklų vadovų ir mokytojų motyvavimo strategijos; Vadovavimas, mokyklos vadovai, mokytojai, motyvacija, mokiniai; Vidinė mokymosi motyvacija; External learning motivation; Internal learning motivation; Management, school directors, teachers, motivation, students; Motivation strategies of school headmasters and teacher.

ENThis work is based on self-determination theory which emphasizes that three innate psychological needs must be satisfied to maintain a healthy development and functioning of human. And social contexts that support satisfaction of basic needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness facilitate natural growth including intrinsically motivated behaviour and integration of extrinsic motivations. The aim of this work is to find how the school managers’ and teachers’ motivational orientations, being a factors of social conditions at school, influence intrinsic learning motivation of schoolchildren. 13 out of 18 invited Utena district schools agreed to participate in a survey. Total of 22 school managers, 129 teachers and 380 schoolchildren of eight and ninth grade were surveyed using six different questionnaires, developed by Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology at the University of Rochester. The results revealed a weak correlation between school managers’ autonomy support and teachers’ perceived autonomy (0.201, p<0.05); however a stronger perceived autonomy of teachers more significantly correlated with their total need satisfaction (0.512, p<0.01). It was also noticed, that older managers were more autonomy-supportive.The younger teachers reported a lower perceived autonomy and declared a less positive need satisfaction. The older teachers were as well found to be more autonomy supportive towards their students. The survey results showed that teachers’ autonomy support was positively correlated (0.551, p<0.01) with learners’ perceived autonomy, which in turn was positively correlated (0.191, p<0.0l) with relative autonomy index standing for students’ intrinsic motivation for learning. School managers’ and teachers’ motivation orientations are correlated in a positive manner (0.220, p <0.05): the more managers were autonomy supportive towards teachers, the more teachers were autonomy-supportive towards students thus the author suggests that school managers indirectly influence schoolchildren’ intrinsic learning motivation. [From the publication]

2018-12-17 12:25:27
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