Pasvalio bažnyčia

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pasvalio bažnyčia
Alternative Title:
Church of Pasvalys
In the Journal:
Žiemgala. 2001, Nr. 1, p. 5-7
Pasvalys; Lietuva (Lithuania); Architektūra / Architecture; Bažnyčia / Church; Religinis menas / Religious art.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Architektūra; Bažnyčia; Eklektika; Eklektinis pastatas; Neobarokas; Pasvalio bažnyčia; Pasvalys; Paveikslai; Architecture; Church; Eclectic building; Eclecticism; Interior; Neobaroque; Pasvalys; Pictures; The curch of Pasvalys.

ENWe have a lot of historical material about the Church of St John the Baptist in Pasvalys, however, the things of artistic value in the church are almost undescribed. V. Cibulskas tries to fill up that gap. The first church of Pasvalys was built in 1497 having got a permission of Great Duke of Lithuania Aleksandras. The present wooden church was built in 1797. There were three altars in the church. During the period of 1885-1887 there were added side naves, a sacristy, two towers and a nartex with the organ choir. The church became of a basilica type, an eclectic one. The exterior is rather monumental and restrained. There are five wooden neobaroque altars built in 1887. The pulpit is to the left and made of bricks. The organ is in the choir, in the central axis of of the church. It was made by famous organ master M. Masalskis in 1887. The prospect of the organ is neoclassical, decorated with neobaroque ornaments. Six wooden eclectic confessionals stand in the side naves of the church. The church of Pasvalys is an impressive eclectic building. Neobaroque altars with sculptures and paintings are the most valuable from the artistic point of view. [From the publication]

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