Istorinė atmintis ir Lietuvos kultūros rinkodara

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Istorinė atmintis ir Lietuvos kultūros rinkodara
Alternative Title:
Historical memory and Lithuanian cultural marketing
In the Journal:
Sovijus. Tarpdalykiniai kultūros tyrimai. 2015, t. 3, Nr. 2, p. 10-22
Kolektyvinė atmintis / Collective memory; Kultūra / Culture; Kultūrinis identitetas / Cultural identitity; Kultūros paveldas / Cultural heritage; Rinka. Rinkodara / Market. Marketing.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Istorinė atmintis; Kultūros paveldas; Kultūros rinkodara; Kultūros tapatumas; Cultural heritage; Cultural identity; Cultural marketing; Historical memory.

ENThe article analyses the assumptions of giving sense to the collective cultural memory in the expression market, effects of state historical memory policy, international cultural interactions, and reflections of historical memory in the public cultural expression. It specifies the peculiarities of symbolisation of historical memory and their use in the modern Lithuanian public cultural space, establishing essential social historical functions of giving sense to the memory. It is noted that giving sense to the collective historical memory in the public expression marketing of the Lithuanian culture has three essential functions: cultural-educational, memorial and pragmatic; they reflect the value based on practical interest for the development of public communication opportunities. The analysis of practical public cultural activity suggests that the emphasis is made on the own country’s experience and new international experience, expanding the application of objects and traditions symbolising the past of Lithuania in the management of mass culture which covers today’s media, public events and interact more with the cognitive cultural tourism and other recreational areas. There are observable interests of public business to construe its historical identity, and aspirations to take part in the Lithuanian and international public cultural communication. At present, the development of the application of technical and architectural heritage for cultural needs of the public, improvement of the contents of cognitive historical information and flexibility its socialisation, consistent sense-giving to local and national features of identity, application of symbolism of traditional and new collective memory and forms of dissemination which are well perceived for different generations, is relevant for the cultural marketing linked to the application of the Lithuanian historical memory. [From the publication]

2351-471X; 2351-4728
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