Vilniaus miesto elektorinė struktūra 2008 ir 2012 m. Seimo rinkimų duomenimis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vilniaus miesto elektorinė struktūra 2008 ir 2012 m. Seimo rinkimų duomenimis
Alternative Title:
Electoral structure of Vilnius city in 2008–2012 (Parliament election data)
In the Journal:
Geografijos metraštis [Annales Geographicae. Geographical Yearbook]. 2014, 47, p. 37-54
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Elektroninė geografija; Rinkiminė elgsena; Rinkimų geografija; Teritorinė elektorinė struktūra; Teritorinė socialinė struktūra; Vietinė rinkimų sistema; Vietos socialinė struktūra; Electoral geography; Electoral ward; Local electoral structure; Local social structure; Rinkimų apylinkės; Voting behaviour.

ENThis paper analyses the spatial properties of the behaviour of voters in Vilnius, based on the data from the Lithuanian Parliament elections in 2008 and 2012. The research was carried out on the polling stations level and Vilnius was chosen due to its great cultural and sociodemographic variety, which is dispersed throughout the city unevenly. Statistical social data was used in this research to explain the spatial patterns of the behaviour of voters. Analysing social differences between the inhabitants of various districts of Vilnius concerns the causality and patterns behind the distribution of the election results. From the electoral point of view, special differentiation in Vilnius is quite distinct, and the parties most influential in the city were thus chosen for this research. One of the main goals of this research was to evaluate the properties of the change in support for the most influential political parties in the electoral and social structure of Vilnius. [From the publication]

0132-3156; 2335-8610
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