Metalistų subkultūros bruožai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Metalistų subkultūros bruožai
Alternative Title:
Particular attributes of the metal music subculture
In the Journal:
Grupės ir aplinkos. 2009, 1, p. 275-299
Kaunas. Kauno kraštas (Kaunas region); Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Ideologija. Pasaulėžiūra / Ideology. Worldviews; Kultūrinis identitetas / Cultural identitity; Viešoji nuomonė / Public opinion.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariami būdingi Lietuvos metalistų subkultūros bruožai, nusakantys jų subkultūrinę tapatybę: tai pasaulėžiūra, muzika, kuriamas įvaizdis bei gyvenimo būdas. Taip pat analizuojami metalistų subkultūros atstovų santykiai su aplinka. Tyrimas atliktas Kauno ir Vilniaus miestuose 2007 m. rugpjūčio – 2008 m. balandžio mėnesiais. Naudoti stebėjimo, giluminio interviu metodai bei struktūruotas klausimynas. Straipsnis parašytas remiantis autorės bakalauro tezėmis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Gyvenimo būdas; Metalistų subkultūra; Metalo muzika; Pasaulėžiūra; Tapatybė; Įvaizdis; Identity; Image; Lifestyle; Metal music; Metal music subculture; Worldview.

ENThis author’s bachelor’s thesis bases this article. The purpose was to gather and systematise data on the metal music subculture in Lithuania and describe its fundamental features of identity. To compile this article, the method of observing the metalist subculture, in-depth interviews and a structures questionnaire were employed, and 35 members were interviewed. The research was conducted in the cities of Kaunas and Vilnius from 2007 August to 2008 April. The data analysis establishes that the main components of the subcultural identity of metal music enthusiasts, here called “metalists”, are worldview, music and the image and lifestyle they are creating. Metal music is the essential unifying factor of the subculture. It is distinguishable by its complexity, live performance and diversity of styles. The identity of the metal music subculture also relates to the image its members design that is meant to express the ideology of the subculture (e.g., black colour, long hair, preferences for military boots and leather and jeans-style clothing). The most frequently encountered symbols are related to rebellion against Christianity: the pentagram, upside-down cross, fire and different Pagan symbols. Such symbols are not only used as accessories on clothing, but also for the logos the metal music groups use. The aspect of subcultural resistance was discovered during the course of the research. It outcrops in the lifestyle of the metalists which they arrange reflecting unacceptable societal features in the environment albeit in terms of their own selected alternative values. The rebellion is against popular culture and Christian religion. The research revealed the trends of interactions between various subcultural groups and antagonistic attitudes. The subcultural ideas of Skinheads and Goths are relevant to metalists, and the members of these groups interact with one another. They disagree with the emo and punk subcultures.Conflicts also arise with the groups prevalent in broader society with their so-termed “forsas” male and “fifa” female members. As they create their alternative lifestyle, metalists reject popular music, a consumerist outlook on culture (the commercialism characteristic of many). Due to their eccentric external appearance and behaviour and due to the extremist ideas disseminated by metal music, the members of these groups experience expressions of intolerance from the society-at-large. [From the publication]

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