The Role of the river in the city centre and its identity

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
The Role of the river in the city centre and its identity
In the Journal:
Journal of sustainable architecture and civil engineering [Darnioji architektūra ir statyba]. 2013, Vol. 4, no. 5, p. 33-41
Austrija (Austria); Paupys; Prancūzija (France); Slovėnija (Slovenia); Lietuva (Lithuania).
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Krantinė; Miesto plėtra; Miesto tapatumas; Miesto tapatybė; Paupys; Upės pakrantė; Upės vaidmuo; Upės įtaka; Urbanistinė raida; Embankment; River embankment; River influence; River role; Riversides; Urban development; Urban identity.

ENSince the first human beings started to live sedentary lifestyle, the rivers have had significant role in the life of people and in the development of the settlement. The main functions of the river were: protection, crafts related with water and maintenance of industrial enterprises. Therefore, the shape of the city that time highly depended on the river. However, nowadays the connection between the society and river is unclear. According to the historical and scientific literature, the changes of the river role for the city centre and its identity will be analysed. Current situation in Lithuania through the prism of implemented practical projects will be revealed. Review of successful practical experience abroad will be made and the examples of the river embankment design in the centre cities in Denmark, Slovenia, Austria and France will be presented in this paper. [From the publication]

2335-2000; 2029-9990
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