Lietuvos turizmo sektoriaus struktūra ir teritoriniai skirtumai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos turizmo sektoriaus struktūra ir teritoriniai skirtumai
Alternative Title:
Lithuania's tourism sector's structure and its territorial disparities
In the Journal:
Regional formation and development studies. 2013, Nr. 1 (9), p. 132-145
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje tiriama Lietuvos turizmo sektoriaus struktūra, jos teritoriniai skirtumai, šių skirtumų kaita laike ir erdvėje. Sudaryta turizmo struktūrų (paslaugų) duomenų bazė, remiantis įvairiais 2006 ir 2010 m. statistiniais šaltiniais. Tyrimui atlikti taikyti ekonominės geografijos tyrimo metodai. Nustatyta turizmo pagrindinio ir gretutinio sektorių struktūra ir teritoriniai skirtumai, turizmo paslaugų teritorinis pasiskirstymas regioniniame (apskričių) ir vietiniame (savivaldybių) lygmenyje. Taikyta Webb'o modelio modifikacija, pagal kurią išskirti plėtros kriterijai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Struktūra; Teritoriniai skirtumai; Turizmo pagrindinis ir gretutinis sektoriai; Turizmo sektorius; Structure; Territorial differences; Territorial disparities; Tourism basic and satellite sector; Tourism sector.

ENIn this article there is a discussion about the role of human geography, methods of geographic researches and their application for tourism related researches that are based on aspects of tourism economy. According to the preview of previous researches, there was determined the insufficiency of tourism related researches in the field of human geography. Therefore, the author focuses on modifications and implementations of economic geographic and tourism economic methods of researches. There was determined the lack of tourism related researches in geographical context, i.e. analysing tourism services, the structure of tourism sector, determining the territorial disparities of tourism sector as well. All these aspects are enabling to perform the detail analysis of tourism development processes and, in the meantime, focusing more on territorial (spatial) component. In Lithuania, the structure of tourism sector and its territorial disparities are not researched sufficiently. Thus, there is a plenty of researches in tourism economy, marketing, sociology, management as well. Recently, the geographic approach of tourism sector's structure still remains unrevealed. The period of comparative research is for 2006 and 2010, and the data was collected from different sources of information that was checked and validated using official sources of tourism statistics of Lithuania. Analysing the structure of tourism sector, there were distinguished 13 main elements so called services of tourism sector, and the sector is divided in two parts: basic sector (including the main services related to hospitality) and satellite services (related to indirect servicing of visitors).Also, the application of Webb's model was implemented in methodologically modified manner. The research is based on assumption, that in the relevant territory the sustained structure of tourism sector has to be with the proportion of 1/3 and 2/3, i. e. the structure of tourism basic and tourism satellite sector is sustained for balanced development and territorial distribution of tourism services. According to this approach there is an outcome, that every territory is in different stage of development process and these differences are implying about the territorial disparities of tourism sector's structure. This outcome makes a rank of territories according to general tourism development within them. Thus, there was determined that in comparison the period of 2006 and 2010, a rather big amount of territories in frames of Webb's model, belongs to the criterion D, that indicates the stronger tourism basic sector structure in comparison to 2006. The impact of economic crisis in Lithuania, reduced the amount of SMEs, in tourism sector as well, but those which existed during the mentioned period, they reduced the scopes of their economic activities, but the tourism entities increased the quality of their providing services of hospitality. [From the publication]

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