Paveldosauginis kaimo gyvenvietės vertinimas. Tradicija ir tendencijos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Paveldosauginis kaimo gyvenvietės vertinimas. Tradicija ir tendencijos
Alternative Title:
Cultural evaluation of rural settlements. Tradition and tendencies
In the Journal:
Urbanistika ir architektūra. 2004, t. 28, Nr. 1, p. 18-24
Summary / Abstract:

LTApžvelgiami Lietuvos tradicinių kaimo gyvenviečių kultūrinio vertinimo pokyčiai pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais. Atskleidžiamos prieštaros tarp jų kultūrinės reikšmės ir nepakankamos apsaugos. Pateikiamos šiuolaikinės nuostatos vertinant tradicinio kaimo aplinką Vakarų Europos šalyse, išryškinamas vietos bendruomenės vaidmuo vertinimo procese. Kultūrinės vertės nustatymo aspektu interpretuojami duomenys, gauti rengiant Keturiasdešimties Totorių kaimo etnokultūros draustinio projektą ir Vilniaus rajono savivaldybės bendrojo plano kultūros paveldo dalį. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendruomenės vaidmuo vertinimo procese; Integruota apsauga; Kultūrinės vertės nustatymas; Tradicinė kaimo gyvenvietė; Assessement of cultural values; Assessment of cultural values; Integral protection; Role of community in evaluation process; Traditional rural settlement.

ENTraditional rural settlements should be ascribed to the basic cultural heritage properties of Lithuania. Present decline of their environment is influenced by ineffective system of cultural evaluation and national cultural values protection. Such important features of cultural values as a traditional way of life, sustainability, and alive cultural traditions are not appreciated. Analysis of the cultural value of Lithuanian traditional hamlets and villages is based upon the concept of value complexity. Recent detailed complex research of rural territories in protected areas develop the concept of landscape integrity. However, these methods do not reflect the role of local communities. Up-to-date similar research in West Europe reflects the values of local inhabitants and gives the priority of their attitude to their environment. Expert examination is joined with the estimation of local communities. Interviewing of local inhabitants in Keturiasdešimt Totorių village in 1994 revealed their attribution of a high value to traditional timber houses. The examination of physical changes in the outlook of this village in 2003 revealed decay of timber structures and loss of a traditional spatial structure. Present changes in the form, materials, setting and functions totally diminished the former high cultural value. Until now numerous linear settlements in Vilnius district preserved an authentic spatial structure and natural environment. Their cultural value could be safeguarded by the reorganization of the national strategy of immovable cultural heritage protection and increasing the rights of local communities in this process. [Text from author]

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