LTXX a. penktasis dešimtmetis – tai sudėtingų, tragiškų politinių ir istorinių aplinkybių nulemtas laikotarpis, turėjęs lemiamą reikšmę Lietuvos švietimo, kultūros, tautinio mentaliteto raidai ir plėtrai. Santvarkų kaitos, II pasaulinio karo peripetijų metu lietuviškoji mokykla nenustojo gyvavusi. Šių dienų požiūriu ypač įdomu ir istoriškai reikšminga ištyrinėti šį Lietuvai skaudų ir sunkų laikotarpį, kuris edukologijos istorijos požiūriu yra beveik nenagrinėtas, neįvertintas ir baigiamas pamiršti. Šiame straipsnyje panoraminiu principu apžvelgiamos 1941–1950 metų Lietuvos pradinės mokyklos programos – pirminiai istoriografiniai dokumentai, tiesiogiai reglamentavę tiriamojo laikotarpio pradinį ugdymą. Reikšminga atskleisti šio dešimtmečio pradinio ugdymo struktūros ir turinio kaitos priežastis, dėsningumus bei lemiamą įtaką vėlesnių dešimtmečių Lietuvos švietimui. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kaita; Pradinių klasių programos; Pradinių klasių programos, kaita; Pradinė mokykla; Changing; Curriculum of primary classes; Primary school.
ENThe investigation subject of this work is the Lithuanian primary school and its development during the period of 1941-1950 in the aspect of the curriculum of primary classes. The aspect of curriculum was chosen, firstly, for the reason of the curriculum being primary historiography sources which regulated in the period under discussion the primary education on the state level. The objective of this article is to review the primary school curriculum in the fifth decade of the century, to provide their systemic analysis aiming for the investigation of the laws in changing the structure and contents of the investigation as well as the influence on the further development of the education. The curriculum of the school-year in 1940/41 was the first document of the new Soviet ideology to regulate the primary education of this period complying with the newly reorganized structure of primary training. The curriculum of the year 1942 regulated the work of the primary school and was used under extreme political conditions in Lithuania. In the sense of didactic objectives and methodology this curriculum aimed for renewing the links with the curriculum of the year 1940, for entrusting under complicated historic circumstances the continuity of the old educational ideas. The novelty of the curriculum of the year 1942 was the introduction of the seven year primary education. The primary school curriculum of the school-year in 1944/45 was the beginning of a long period of the Soviet ideology and pedagogic.Such subjects as civil training, cognition of the Mother-land were repealed and the Russian language restored in the curriculum. The novelty of the school year in 1944/45 was the introduction of the four-year primary education. The curriculum of the school-year 1945/46 appeared to be the first issue to be applied under new conditions of the after-war period. The curriculum in 1947 and 1948 remained almost not changed as compared with the curriculum of the school-year in 1945/46. The drawing up of the curriculum and the character of the material was conditioned by the changes in the ideology of the state system. In the school-year in 1949/50, curriculum of the year 1949 existed as a draft primary school curriculum. A new structural moment was the changing of the grades into classes. The draft curriculum of the year 1949 should be considered the most exhaustive issue regulating the primary education in the after war period. In 1950 a new curriculum of the primary classes was issued as revised according to the draft in 1949. Beginning with the sixth decade the Lithuanian primary education finally lost its links with the ideas of the education in the years of independence and that accounted for the consolidation of the model of the Soviet education system in the Lithuanian primary school. [From the publication]