Turizmo sektoriaus veiklos vertinimas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Turizmo sektoriaus veiklos vertinimas
Alternative Title:
Evaluation of the tourism sector performance
In the Book:
Apskaita, auditas, analizė : mokslas inovacijų ir globalizacijos kontekste. D. 1. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2012. P. 560-571
Turizmas / Tourism; Apgyvendinimas ir maitinimas / Catering industry.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamos turizmo formos, turizmo paslaugų rūšys, turizmo sektorių įtakojantys veiksniai bei šio sektoriaus vystymosi perspektyvos prielaidos. įvertinami Lietuvos turizmo informacijos centrų tokie veiklos rodikliai, kaip bendro lankytojų skaičiaus ar lankytojų skaičiaus pagal valstybes, iš kurių jie atvyko, dinamika, užsienio lankytojų pasiskirstymas Lietuvos turizmo informacijos centruose. Taip pat įvertinamas atvykusių svečių skaičius, jų pasiskirstymas Lietuvos apgyvendinimo vietose, analizuojamas atvykusių svečių pasiskirstymas pagal šalis, iš kurių jie atvyko, jų geografinis pasiskirstymas, pajamos iš atvykstamojo turizmo, kelionių balansas, nagrinėjami Lietuvos turizmo sektoriaus veiklą įtakojantys veiksniai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Atvykstamasis turizmas; Turizmas; Turizmo informacijos centrai; Inbound tourism; Incoming tourism; Tourism; Tourism information centre; Tourist information centers.

ENTourism is perceived as one of the most dynamic and leading economic activities in the world. The tourism industry development is rather important to Lithuania's international competitive ability. In Lithuania, tourism is one of the priority sectors of the economy, which is given special attention, because it has a considerable growing potential. It can create additional added value and reduce the unemployment. There are three types of tourism: inbound, outbound and local tourism. The geopolitical location and the particularity of tourism resources of Lithuania determine the favourable possibilities of the inbound tourism development in this country. This article analyzes forms and types of tourism, factors influencing the tourism sector and assumptions of the sector's development prospects. Indicators of the performance of tourism information centres such as the total number of visits, the number of visitors by country, from which they came, the dynamics of foreign visitors to the distribution of the Lithuanian tourist information centres are evaluated. Also the number of guests arrived, their distribution in Lithuanian accommodation, guests arrived by countries, from which they came, their geographic distribution, income from foreign tourism, travel balance and factors influencing the Lithuanian tourism sector are analyzed. Tourism activity and enterprises engaged in these activities are essential for Lithuania's economic development and integration because tourist handling includes related services such as accommodation, catering, transportation, marketing and other customer support services to both individuals and groups of people. [From the publication]

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2017-09-02 22:10:21
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