Sovietmečio teisės mokslas Lietuvoje : laimėjimai ir praradimai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Sovietmečio teisės mokslas Lietuvoje: laimėjimai ir praradimai
Alternative Title:
Legal science in the soviet-time Lithuania: achievements and losses
In the Journal:
Justitia. 2007, Nr. 3, p. 69-77, 108
20 amžius; Mokslas / Science; Teisės istorija / History of law; Teisės mokslas / Legal science; Teisininkai / Legal profession.
Summary / Abstract:

LTPasamprotauti apie tai, ką Lietuvos teisės mokslas, kietai susaistytas sovietinės ideologijos ir valdžiusių jėgų diktato, sugebėjo nuveikti ir ko neteko per mūsų šalies nelaisvės penkiasdešimtmetį, šių eilučių autorius ryžosi mokslinės karjeros saulėlydyje, turėdamas galimybę palyginti savo paties trisdešimties sovietmečio metų rašinius teisės klausimais su beveik perpus trumpesnio Lietuvos nepriklausomybės laikotarpio moksline produkcija ir akivaizdžiai pajusti, net turint omenyje metams bėgant sukauptus žinių bagažą bei darbo patirtį ir gerokai patobulėjusias technines darbo galimybes, didelį tos produkcijos, sukurtos laisvės sąlygomis, kokybės ir įvairovės skirtumą, taip pat išaugusius jos kiekį ir apimtį. Parašyti šį straipsnį taip pat paskatino mintis, kad Lietuvos teisės mokslo patirtis, sukaupta sovietinio totalitarizmo laikotarpiu, ko gero, verta specialių tyrimų, nors tuo klausimu kol kas beveik tylima ir iki šiol esama vos keleto skirtingame kontekste skelbtų jo vertinimų, kurie dažniausiai yra schemiški, neargumentuoti, o turinio atžvilgiu – neretai diskutuotini. Straipsnio autorius nepretenduoja į arbitro vaidmenį, nemano rašąs galutinę ir nesugriaunamą tiesą bei dedąs tašką sprendžiant problemą. Autorius neabejoja, kad galimos ir kitokios nuomonės dėl sovietmečio teisės mokslo Lietuvoje vertinimo kriterijų, kitokie jų pagrindu daromų išvadų niuansai, kita to vertinimo argumentacija, ir kviečia gerbiamus kolegas diskutuoti šiuo klausimu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: SSRS; Socialistinė teisė; Sovietinė ideologija; Sovietmetis; TSRS; Teisininkas; Teisės mokslas; Jurisprudence; Lawyer; Legal science; Lithuania; Socialist law; Soviet ideology; Soviet period; USSR.

ENThe author's resolution to reflect upon what the Lithuanian legal science managed to achieve and what it lost during the fifty years of our country's subjugation was reinforced by the possibility to com­pare his own writings on the questions of law from thirty years of the Soviet times with his scientific works from the twice shorter period of Lithuanian independence and clearly see the immense differ­ence in terms of quality and variety of those works born in freedom as well as the increase in their quan­tity and scope. The underlying idea for this article was also the belief that the experience of the Lithuanian legal science accumulated during the period of Soviet totalitarianism could most probably merit a special study event thought there is almost a total silence in regard with this issue; and to this day there have appeared just a few reviews, which, as a rule, are schematic, devoid of argumentation, and their content is predominantly quite debatable. At the beginning of the Soviet period, the development of the legal science remained stagnant for some time: the content of the basic research object - law - was changing, new ideological and methodological requirements were being established. Academicians were forced to become accustomed to the situation and adapt to it, and as the Soviet authorities had no confidence in the majority of lawyers who got their degrees during the period of independence, it was necessary to wait for the graduates of the Sovietised University.Practically, research in the area of law started gaining momentum only in the sixties and reached its maturity in the seventies. From today's perspective, the accomplishments of the Soviet time legal science, due to intensive ideologization and politization, as well as isolation from global achievements, are quite modest and limited. Nevertheless, the Socialist law, by combining the Marxist-Leninist dogmas with a number of qualities acquired from other legal systems, laid a foundation for the emergence even in the study of the no-longer existing Soviet law of thoughts and ideas that are still valuable today. The abundant factual material accumulated and systemised in research works produced during the Soviet times, on the basis of which the conclusions consistent with the period were drawn at that time, has also managed to retain its value. [From the publication]

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