Želdinių ir jų dizaino specialistų rengimo bei profesinės veiklos perspektyva

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Želdinių ir jų dizaino specialistų rengimo bei profesinės veiklos perspektyva
Alternative Title:
Perspective of the preparation and the professional activity of the specialists in the landscape gardening and design
In the Journal:
Mokslo taikomieji tyrimai Lietuvos kolegijose [Applied research at the colleges of Lithuania]. 2005, Nr. 2, p. 21-26
Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Aukštasis mokslas. Studijos / Higher education. Study; Profesinis rengimas / Vocational training.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama Vilniaus kolegijoje rengiamų želdinių ir jų dizaino specialistų profesinės veiklos perspektyva profesinio rengimo tobulinimo aspektu. Atliktų tyrimų rezultatai atskleidė apželdinimo ir aplinko tvarko s specialistų (tiek įgijusių universitetinį, tiek ir neuniversitetinį išsilavinimą) prognozuojamo poreikio darbo rinkoje tendencijas. Tyrimų rezultatai patvirtino, kad, atsižvelgiant į kintančius rinkos poreikius, būtina tikslinti želdinių ir jų dizaino studijų programą, taip pat optimizuoti studijų procesą, koreguojant būsimųjų specialistų požiūrį į dėstomų dalykų svarbą ir profesinę veiklą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dizainas; Perspektyvos; Profesinis specialistų rengimas; Profesinė veikla; Rengimas; Specialistai; Studijos; Želdiniai; Želdinių ir jų dizaino specialistai; Design; Landscape gardening and design specialists; Perspective; Plantations; Professional activities; Professional activity; Specialists; Study; Training; Vocational training specialists.

ENThe higher education law of the Republic of Lithuania legalized the binary higher education system – universities and colleges. Graduates who accomplished university studies are ready to adapt themselves to the broad spectrum of labour market and those who graduated from higher non - university institutions (colleges) – to a concrete work sphere. Such purposefulness of specialist training at the college stimulates keeping up with market demands and is one of reference points in correcting study programmes. Therefore studies at the college are assessed in accordance with the perspective of specialists’ future profession activities as well as with the purpose of their acquired professional competence peculiarities of a personality’s maturity and labour market demands. If one wants to coordinate such an unanimous training system, research should be carried out in this field. […] Research object – the perspective of professional activities training landscape gardening and design specialists. Research purpose – to reveal the perspective of professional activities training landscape gardening and design specialists. Research methods - the analysis of literary sources and State documents; a written questioning of enterprise specialists engaged in the spheres of activities connected with environment maintenance and landscape gardening and design study programme students; the analysis of the study programme; the analysis of research findings.In April-June 2005 enterprise specialists engaged in the spheres of activities connected with planting and environment maintenance of Vilnius county and students of Vilnius college faculty of Agrotechnologies were questioned. Also the landscape gardening and design study programme was analysed. During the research specialists from 24 enterprises and 118 students filled in the questionnaires. By means of research the perspective of landscape gardening and design specialists’ professional activities and its display in training process was evaluated; the specialist demand in labour market was determined; the popularity of separate activity spheres and the attitude of employers and students to specialist training content was revealed. Comparing the relationship among the subjects foreseen in the study plan and the employers’ attitude to it certain landscape gardening and design study programme activity spheres are suggested to be paid more attention to in correcting professional training. On the basis of the total research findings it’s possible to state that: 1. Landscape gardening and design specialists are demanded in labour market and have a professional activity perspective in compliance with activity spheres characteristic to them. 2. Perfecting the study programme it’s up-to-date to correct the number of credits meant for activity spheres in compliance with the purpose of specialist training at the college and market demand. 3. Optimising the study process the standpoint of landscape gardening and design will-be specialists and their attitude to delivered subjects and professional activities should be corrected. [text from author]

1822-1068; 2335-8904
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2020-04-03 11:35:07
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