Studentų aktyvumo skatinimas anglų kalbos komunikacinių pratybų metu, remiantis patirtinio mokymosi teorijos teiginiais

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Studentų aktyvumo skatinimas anglų kalbos komunikacinių pratybų metu, remiantis patirtinio mokymosi teorijos teiginiais
Alternative Title:
Implementation of experiential learning as a tool for increasing of students’ active participation in foreign language communicative skill development activities
In the Journal:
Mokslo taikomieji tyrimai Lietuvos kolegijose [Applied research at the colleges of Lithuania]. 2005, Nr. 2, p. 9-14
Kaunas. Kauno kraštas (Kaunas region); Kėdainiai; Lietuva (Lithuania); Anglų kalba / English language; Komunikacija / Communication; Studentai / Students.
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiandien andragogai plačiai kalba apie patirtinį mokymą(si), kai ugdytinio individuali patirtis yra kartu ir instrumentas, ir mokymo(si) šaltinis. Kiekvieno individo patirties pagrindu susiformuoja veiklos žemėlapiai, kuriuos jis taiko naujose situacijose, planuoja tolesnę veiklą, reaguoja į probleminę situaciją. Taikydamas savo patirties diktuojamas veiklos struktūras, ugdytinis ne tik reflektuoja konkretaus veiksmo metu, bet apmąsto ir iš naujo veiksmo ar situacijos įgytą patirtį. Studentų individualios patirties naudojimas organizuojant anglų kalbos komunikacinių gebėjimų ugdymo pratybas gali geriau motyvuoti ugdytinį veiklai, skatinti jo aktyvumą ir norą kalbėti. Motyvuota, aktyvi veikla, kai atsižvelgiama į besimokančiojo individualią patirtį, lemia efektyvesnį žodinės komunikacijos įgūdžių ugdymą ir geresnius rezultatus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Komunikacinis kalbų mokymas; Komunikacinės pratybos; Patirtinio mokymosi ir asmeninės patirties reflektavimas; Patirtinis mokymasis; Studentų aktyvumas; Įgūdžių tobulinimas; Communicative classes; Communicative language teaching; Experiential learning; Experiential learning and personal experience reflection; Skill development; Students' activity.

ENExperiential learning in modern practical andragogy is widely used as it focuses on personal experience and the latter becomes a tool and source for adult learners. Still the main principle of the theory is possible to apply successfully in conducting foreign language communicative skill development activities for formal education students as well. Communicative language teaching as being primarily concentrated on the message, meaning, fluency and only secondarily on the form and accuracy aims to create a close to reality language situation by suggesting a good reason for learners to practise using a target language. However, college students cannot be categorically ascribed to mature adult learners and their personal experience is presumably narrower. Still socio-cultural issues and realities that stand for major contents of learning material are sufficiently motivating and involving to communicate one’s way of understanding, feelings and previous experience to others, i.e. to go through one’s experience reflecting on it during the action and rethink or conceptualize newly acquired experiences later. Group work enables students to enlarge their cognitive, social and emotional experience, which in the course of time becomes reflected, practised and contemplated over again.The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of implementation of student personal experience on effectiveness and results in foreign language communicative skill development. The data for analysis were achieved via a survey questionnaire form with participation of 170 student respondents of Foreign Languages Pedagogy at Kaunas College Kedainiai Jonusas Radvila Study Centre. The survey data figure allow to come to the following conclusions: firstly, respondents despite their academic or age faculties find primarily motivating and interesting those activities which enable them to share their personal thoughts, secondly, such activities increase the level of active participation because of topic awareness, thirdly, that leads to more communication and better language skill results, and, finally, the degree of activeness in communicative performance is directly related to favourable and encouraging classroom atmosphere of respect and tolerance. The key words are: communicative language teaching, skill development, experiential learning and personal experience reflection. [Text from author]

1822-1068; 2335-8904
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2017-08-31 16:05:06
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