Tarpkultūrinė kompetencija ir jos ugdymas pareigūnų rengime

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tarpkultūrinė kompetencija ir jos ugdymas pareigūnų rengime
Alternative Title:
Intercultural competence in officers training
In the Journal:
Visuomenės saugumas ir viešoji tvarka [Public security and public order]. 2011, 5, p. 114-128
Ugdymas / Education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTSiekiant tobulinti teisėsaugos tarnybų profesinę veiklą vykstant integracijai į Europos Sąjungą bei globalizacijos procesams Lietuvoje, integruota pareigūno profesinės kompetencijos dalimi turėtų tapti tarpkultūrinė kompetencija. Straipsnyje aptariama tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos samprata ir išskiriamos jos dimensijos, akcentuojant jų galimybę varijuoti priklausomai nuo tikslinės grupės. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize bei teisėsaugos pareigūnų veiklos ypatumais, atskleidžiama tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos raiška pareigūnų rengimo kontekste, pateikiama tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos ugdymo pedagoginė strategija, apimanti kultūrų palyginimo, kultūrų koegzistencijos ir antirasizmo sritis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Pareigūnų rengimas; Profesinė kompetencija; Profesinė komptencija; Tarpkultūrinė kompetencija; Ugdymo pedagoginė strategija; Education pedagogical strategy; Intercultural competence; Officers training; Pedagogical strategy of Education; Professional competence; Proffesional competence.

ENIn the background of integration to the European Union and globalization process in Lithuania as well as in pursuance of perfection of professional activities of law enforcement, intercultural competence has to become an integrated part of officer's professional competence. The article deals with the conception of intercultural competence and its dimensions emphasizing their possibilities to vary depending on purposive groups. Applying on analysis of scientific works and peculiarities of law enforcement officers activities, the expression of intercultural competence is revealed in the context of officers training as well as pedagogical strategy of intercultural competence is presented. Analysis of scientific works grounds the attitudes that: Wide spectrum of universal knowledge has to be provided for law enforcement officers in order to keep pace with modern changes of global society. Social competence is a part of professional competence applying substantial officer's targets. If social competence becomes one of the main competences of a law enforcement officer, intercultural competence is logical succession of the above-mentioned change of society structure. Intercultural competence in the activities of law enforcement officers is the ability to get in touch with people of other cultures reducing or eliminating possible difficulties at the same time (competence of activities) determined by personal competence.Intercultural competence in the activities of law enforcement officers' appeals to the competence of activities and self-reflection in interaction of affective moments with the representatives of other cultures, i.e. involves objective, social, managing and personal competences in the context of culturally heterogeneous activities and makes the assumption both in law enforcement and the level of regularity. Pedagogical strategy involving the spheres of cultural comparison as well as coexistence of cultures and anti-racialism defines the grounds of intercultural studies in hypothetical model intercultural competence training. Intercultural competence indicates to the competence of lifelong learning, herewith it is the part of continuous development of a personality. Intercultural competence is considered to be a positive, important, aspiring and essential competence to everybody. [From the publication]

2029-1701; 2335-2035
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