Tyrėjų informacinė kompetencija ir jos ugdymo strategijos

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tyrėjų informacinė kompetencija ir jos ugdymo strategijos
Alternative Title:
Researchers' information competence and strategies of its development
In the Journal:
Socialiniai mokslai. 2010, Nr. 2 (68), p. 94-102
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTBet kokia žmogaus veikla, o ypač mokymas, mokymasis ir mokslinė veikla reikalauja atitinkamo lygio informacijos paieškos, tvarkymo ir komunikavimo gebėjimų. Kintanti informacinė aplinka ir sparčiai besivystančios technologijos reikalauja įgyti informacinių technologijų išsivystymo lygį atitinkančią informacinę kompetenciją. Studijas baigę ir mokslinę tiriamąją veiklą tęsiantys asmenys dažniausiai jau turi tam tikro lygio informacinę kompetenciją. Tolimesnis jos ugdymas turėtų būti vykdomas atsižvelgiant į jau turimą kompetenciją ir patirtį. Šiame straipsnyje pateikiama tyrėjų informacinės kompetencijos samprata ir struktūra, pristatomi tyrėjų informacinės kompetencijos tyrimo rezultatai ir galimos tyrėjų informacinės kompetencijos ugdymo strategijos. Tyrėjų informacinės kompetencijos ugdymo poreikiai turėtų būti nukreipti į specializuotos informacijos paiešką, efektyvų jos tvarkymą ir organizavimo, mokslinės komunikacijos procesus. Organizuojant jų ugdymą reikėtų pasiūlyti įvairaus sudėtingumo, tematikos, apimties ir interaktyvumo mokymus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Informacinė kompetencija; Informacijos paieška; Tyrėjų paieškos gebėjimai; Informacinės kompetencijos ugdymas; Information competence; Information search; Researchers’ information search skills; Development of information competence.

ENThe aim of this article is to evaluate the researchers’ information competence and to outline the strategies for its development. The article consists of four parts. The first part provides rationale for the concept and structure of information competence . The methodology of research is presented in the second part. The third part of the article elaborates on the results of research revealing the status quo of the scholars’ information competence: "The Extent and Content of the Need for Developing Scholars and Other Researchers’ Competence in Using Electronic Resources of Scholarly Information". The strategies of researchers’ information competence development are outlined in the fourth part of the article. The research was carried out in 2009 in the frame of the project ‘eMoDB.LT: Opening Electronic Scholarly Databases for Lithuania’, funded by the European Social Fund Agency and the Republic of Lithuania in accordance with the Development of Human Resources programme for 2007F2013 (Tautkeviciene et al., 2010). The method of written survey was employed to analyze the researchers’ competence of using electronic information resources. A questionnaire of closed and open questions was developed for the survey in relation to the structure of information competence: basic information search; advanced information search; processes of scholarly communication; evaluation of information sources; information management, legal and ethical application. The respondents were 647 scholars from Lithuanian research and studies institutions: professors, associate professors, research fellows, doctoral students, master’s students. The survey involved researchers representing all research fields. The research has come up with the following results /conclusions.The researchers more often acquire the latest scholarly information through their direct contacts with colleagues, at conferences, seminars, research visits, as a result of their involvement in scholarly networks. Most researchers, especially those who hold higher positions, also use other time-consuming and less effective ways of information retrieval: directly contact authors or colleagues who have access to full-text databases, regularly check the printed or electronic journals in their field, search in databases. The most effective ways of retrieving the latest information – subscription to the news using RSS technology or e-mail – is used relatively seldom. These competence deficiencies call upon training in using the services of up-to-date academic information subscription. The researchers know little about the changes in the processes of scholarly communication, they have little knowledge on the open-access initiatives and resources, as well as copyright issues. The researchers’ responses have highlighted the problematic issues in the field of copyright: using other authors’ work for the purposes of teaching and research, issues of downloading full-text documents, submitting publications in open-access databases. Most researchers are not familiar with the standards of managing information resources or citation styles; they rely on the notes to contributors when writing publications. The responses have shown the deficiencies of competence in terms of managing information sources. For storing the retrieved sources of information, citing references or writing lists of references, the researchers do not use information technologies and programmes for managing bibliographical references: they include citation and create bibliography manually. It is important to develop the researchers’ skills of both advanced and simple search for information. [From the publication]

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