Tautinis ugdymas mokant istorijos tautinėje mokykloje : patirtis ir jos taikymo šiuolaikinėje mokykloje perspektyvos

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tautinis ugdymas mokant istorijos tautinėje mokykloje: patirtis ir jos taikymo šiuolaikinėje mokykloje perspektyvos
Alternative Title:
Role of patriotic education in the national school: prospects and applications in contemporary schooling
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2010, 97, p. 24-31
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama tautinio ugdymo mokant istorijos Pirmosios Lietuvos Respublikos laikotarpiu metodinė mintis. Remiantis to meto istorikų ir istorijos mokytojų publikacijomis, analizuojamas tautos istorijos mokymo vaidmuo ugdant mokinius tautiškai, apžvelgiamos būdingiausios temos, kurių pagrindu siekta tai įgyvendinti. Aptariama šeimos ir gyvenamosios vietovės istorijos mokymo vaidmuo bei romantizmo propagavimo mokant istorijos jaunesniojo amžiaus vaikus reikšmė. Siekiama bendrais bruožais vertinti, kiek prieškario Lietuvos autorių išsakytos mintys yra priimtinos šiuo metu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Istorija; Tautinis ugdymas; Mokykla; Mokymas; Pirmoji Lietuvos Respublika; History; Patriotic education; School; Learning; First Lithuanian Republic.

ENThe article seeks to analyze the experiences of teaching history, during 1918-1940 of the First Lithuanian Republic, as a tool for fostering patriotism, and to see whether it has lessons for today. During this time, as a component of the general education core, history was given the task of promoting patriotism. Many historians and teachers published articles examining the role of history in teaching patriotism. They concluded that history was one of the most important subjects in advancing patriotism. Interwar scholars believed that the primary vehicle for instilling patriotic values was teaching the history of the Lithuanian state and nation. Learning one's history was the basis of patriotism. In the teaching of history, they emphasized the heroic past of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; especially it's most famous Grand Dukes who through their deeds embodied the best in the Lithuanian national character. Though enemies constantly beset Lithuania, it was able to defend its self, retaining its nationhood and eventually regaining independence. This type of civic education tried to show the injustice, pain, and suffering inflicted on Lithuania by alien powers. The belief was that patriotism was learning about one's role in the world. They thought that the primary grades should learn their family's history, their school's history, the local myths and legends, their village's and neighboring villages history and to continue this process to a national level. The foremost historians and pedagogues of the interwar period proposed that primary grade students be taught a romanticized version of Lithuania's history.History was supposed to extol the virtues of Lithuania's most famous heroes, their bravery, loyalty, and other virtues. This was thought to teach love of country and a resolve in defending of one's nation. The author believes the practices of teaching patriotism during the First Republic have relevance for today, so long as that practice is applied creatively. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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