Mokytojų kūrybiškumą profesinės veiklos srityje laiduojantys socialiniai veiksniai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokytojų kūrybiškumą profesinės veiklos srityje laiduojantys socialiniai veiksniai
Alternative Title:
Social factors predicting teachers' creativity in the domain of profesional activity
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2009, 96, p. 28-35
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje, pasitelkiant sisteminį požiūrį į kūrybiškumą, analizuojamas bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų mokytojų kūrybiškumas profesinės veiklos srityje. Išskiriant socialinius veiksnius, atspindinčius mokyklos mikroklimato charakteristikas, analizuojama socialinės aplinkos įtaka keturiose Kauno miesto mokyklose mokytojų kūrybiškumui įsivertinti. Tyrimo duomenys atskleidžia esminę mikroklimato įtaką kūrybiškumo raiškai profesinėje veikloje, pabrėžiant aktyvaus mokyklų vadovų vaidmens poreikį plėtojant kūrybiškumui palankią darbo aplinką. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kūrybiškumas; Mokyklų mikroklimatas; Socialiniai veiksniai; Creativity; Organizational climate; School; Social conditions.

ENSystems perspective for the study of creativity have been used as a methodological framework for the analysis of comprehensive schools' teachers perceived every day creativity in the domain of professional activity. Schools' organizational climate factors reflecting field system of creativity were analyzed in four comprehensive schools located in Kaunas city, Lithuania. Goal of the research was to identify social factors predicting teachers' perceived creativity in the domain of teaching. Three hundred fifty teachers participated in the study. Obtained data indicates different paths of creativity - social context relations in each of four schools. Analyzes organizational climate factors determines different amounts o f professional creativity in the schools. Data also displays the quest for school leadership which is determinant of teachers' everyday creativity. Teachers' as organization members are primary evaluators and judges of creative endeavors of colleagues. Support for creativity comes from work groups and teams at schools which facilitate development and implementation of creative ideas, methods, and events. There were only three from many other organizational climates' characteristics which have been chosen as the target of study. It is interpersonal and professional support, and expectations for creativity at work. All of them statistically significantly predict teachers' everyday creativity in the domain of professional activity. The roles of school's principals' are also very important. Principals' leadership style gives comprehension and directivity for teachers' creative endeavors and uses teachers' everyday creativity for the curriculum development and organizational improvement.The main difference between highly creative and less creative schools' is the activcness of principal in directing teachers' effort to be creative in the domain of professional activity. Teachers' teamwork and principals' ability to create creativity facilitating work conditions are two interrelated factors which results the amount of teachers' creativity in the domain of teaching. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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