Valstybinė maisto saugos ir kokybės kontrolė : Šiaulių apskrities atvejis

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Valstybinė maisto saugos ir kokybės kontrolė: Šiaulių apskrities atvejis
Alternative Title:
State food safety and quality control: the case of Šiauliai county
In the Journal:
Šiauliai. Šiaulių kraštas (Šiauliai region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Ekonominė analizė. Prognozavimas / Economic analysis. Forecasting.
Summary / Abstract:

LTVienas svarbiausių ES maisto saugos prioritetų - naujasis maisto saugos integruotas požiūris-strategija "Nuo lauko iki stalo". Svarbiausias maisto saugos politikos uždavinys - užtikrinti kuo geresnę žmonių sveikatos ir vartotojų interesų apsaugą, tačiau dėl maisto grandinės globalizacijos nuolat susiduriama su naujais uždaviniais ir pavojais. Straipsnyje analizuojama Šiaulių apskrities Valstybinės maisto ir veterinarijos tarnybos (toliau - VMVT) Maisto skyriaus veikla atliekant valstybinę maisto saugos ir kokybės kontrolę. Išnagrinėti strateginio valdymo ypatumai viešojo sektoriaus organizacijose, apibūdinti pagrindiniai maisto saugos ir kokybės kriterijai, pateiktas maisto saugos ir higienos įgyvendinimo mechanizmas Europos Sąjungoje (ES) ir Lietuvoje, pristatyta Lietuvos maisto saugos priežiūros sistema ir teisinė bazė. Atlikta Šiaulių apskrities VMVT Maisto skyriaus vykdomos veiklos rodiklių analizė, apskaičiuotos prognozės 2010-2011 m., suformuluoti veiklos strateginiai tikslai. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad teisės aktų pažeidimų skaičius Šiaulių apskrities teritorijoje esančiuose maisto tvarkymo subjektuose yra vienas didžiausių LR ir per penkerių metų laikotarpį sumažėjo vos keliais procentais. Siekiant užtikrinti maisto tvarkymo subjektų kontrolės efektyvumą, pirmiausia reikia spręsti maisto tvarkovų atsakomybės problemą. Skiriamos baudos ir jų dydžiai problemų nesprendžia. Reikia diegti naujus, skubius, patikimus ir paprastus metodus, kurie leistų kontroliuoti visą maisto gamybos grandinę"Nuo lauko iki stalo".Reikšminiai žodžiai: Maisto saugos ir kokybės kontrolė; Maisto saugos priežiūros sistema; Rodikliai; Prognozės; Food safety and quality control; Food safety monitoring system; Indicators of prognosis; Prognozė.

ENIn the article the activity of Šiauliai County State Food and Veterinary Service (hereinafter referred to as SFVS) Food Department is substantiated. Strategic management peculiarities in public sector organizations have been analyzed, the most important food safety and quality criteria have been defined, the food safety and hygiene implementation mechanism in the European Union and in Lithuania has been discussed, furthermore, the Lithuanian food safety supervision system and legal basis have been introduced. The analysis of results of the implemented activity of Šiauliai County SFVS Food Department has been carried out, the forecasts for 2010 and 2011 were prepared. and the activity strategy goals have been formulated. [...]The generalised research results show that the identified breaches of legal acts done by food management subjects operating in Šiauliai county territory are among the biggest in the Republic of Lithuania and during the five-year period the number of inspections during which breaches of legal acts were noticed, decreased only by several percents. In order to guarantee effectiveness of food management subjects' control, firstly, there is a need to solve the problem of food manager responsibility. It is recommended to use the practice of the EU countries, e.g. in the UK all data of state control are announced publicly showing the object's name and address. It is necessary to implement new food control methods. At present many methods for food safety and quality evaluation are used, however most of them take a long time and therefore are hardly adaptable to massive food products' flow control in production or sales process. There is needed to implement new, fast, reliable and simple methods, which would allow controlling the chain of all food production "from field to table".Having carried out activity analysis for 2004-2008 of Šiauliai County SFVS Food Department and having compared the research results to activity effectiveness results defined in Lithuanian SFVS strategic activity plan, we formulated the following strategic aims: 1. To guarantee that state food safety and quality control based on evaluation of risk in all food management subjects where food is produced, stored, sold and distributed for consumers, would correspond to safety, quality, marking and other obligatory requirements according to legal acts. The implementation of this aim would improve food management quality, in Šiauliai County there would be increase in food management enterprises totally corresponding to food safety and quality requirements. 2. To better protect consumer interests in the sector of food and related to food services provision guaranteeing that the produced, distributed and sold food is safe and of high quality. The implementation of this aim would reduce the consumers' complaints and numbers of local illnesses caused by unsafe food. 3. To encourage implementation of self-control system based on evaluation of risk and management of dangers in food management subjects. To seek that produced and distributed for the consumer food products by Šiauliai County production, sales and public catering subjects would be tested according to obligatory and safety requirements. The implementation of this aim would guarantee supply of safe and high quality food and food-related services to Šiauliai county residents. To achieve these three strategic aims by using the results of the carried out research, a food safety and quality control programme of non-animal food products has been formed. [From the publication]

1648-9098; 2424-337X
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