Kult Jozafata Kuncewiza w XVIII wieku

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Lenkų kalba / Polish
Kult Jozafata Kuncewiza w XVIII wieku
Alternative Title:
Cult of St. Jozafat Kuncewicz in the 18th century
In the Journal:
Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis [AAAV]. 2009, t. 54, p. 85-97. Iškilmės ir kasdienybė Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje ir jos kontekstuose
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama palaimintojo Juozapato Kuncevičiaus, 1623 m. nužudyto unitų vyskupo, kulto raida XVII a. Tiriami kulto formavimo metodai, plitimo bei propagavimo politiniai aspektai. Impulsą Polocko unitų vyskupo kankinio Juozapato kultui propaguoti suteikė jo mirties 100–osios metinės. Bazilijonų ordinas gavo Apaštalų Sosto leidimą jas švęsti ir teisę suteikti atlaidus visiems aplankiusiems bazilijonų šventoves. Garbintos kankinio relikvijos. 1705 m. rusų armijai apsiautus Polocką bazilijonų vienuoliai perdavė sarkofagą su kankinio Juozapato kaulais ir kitas vertybes kunigaikščio Karolio Radvilos globai, relikvijos buvo saugomos jo Bialos dvare. Jos ten liko ir vėliau, Radviloms atsisakius grąžinti relikvijas: Apaštalų Sostas sutiko su jų pasiūlymu pastatyti Bialoje šventovę ir bazilijonų vienuolyną. Šventovė, baigta 1765 m., paskatino kulto plitimą, piligrimystę, imti fiksuoti stebuklai. Bazilijonas Timotiejus Szczurowskis 1792 m. įsteigė Bielske juozapiečių moterų vienuoliją, kūrė kankinio garbei skirtas populiarias giesmes. Kankinio kultas plėtojosi per bažnytines brolijas, siuntinėjant jo relikvijas, portretus, vėliavas, statant jo garbei skirtas bažnyčias bei koplyčias. Kankinio Juozapato kultas labiausiai paplito Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje – Bialoje, Vilniuje, Vitebske ir Polocke. Kitose vietovėse jo intensyvumas priklausė nuo dvasininkų, tikinčiųjų mobilumo. Kankiniui Juozapatui skirtų šventovių buvo labai mažai.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Unitų bažnyčia; Bazilionai; History of GDL; Uniate church; Basilian Monks; Juzefatas Kuncevičius; Polocko vyskupas; Bazilionų vienuolynas; 18 amžius; Karolis Radvila; Jozafat Kuncewicz; The bishop of Polotsk; Uniate Church; Basilian monastery; 18th century; Karol Radziwil.

ENThe cult of Polock's bishop Jozafat Kuncewicz, who was killed on the 12th of November in 1623, developed continually alongside the Marian cult which was popular in the 18th century. The aim of vitalizing it was also reflected in the transferring of the date of the martyr s feast from the 12th of November to the 26th of September (considering the climate conditions). One of the most prominent occasions of the popularizing of Jozafat cult came with the millenary anniversary of his martyrdom. The Basilian monks from the Apostolic Seat took advantage of this anniversary, procuring an accordance for the right to supply a complete feast for those who visited the Basilian churches during the blessed Jozafat festival. The centre of the cult became the relic of the saint. In 1705, before the Russian army assaulted Polock, the Basilian monks entrusted the body of the martyr, together with the sarcophagus and treasures that remained in the cathedral at that time, into the care of the duke Karol Radziwill, who took the relics to his dominion in Biala. The refusal of Radziwills to return the relics developed into a process against the Apostolic Seat in Rome, which in 1743 ended in compromise; the relics were left in Biala until a new shrine was built. The celebratory portage of the relics to the newly built shrine in 1765 had significant importance for the entrenchment of the blessed Jozafat cult in Biala and its surroundings, as did the public exposure of relics, the documentation of experienced miracles through the mediation of the martyr and large pilgrimages of the fold to the relics of the martyr during feasts.The cult of the blessed Jozafat inspired Tymoteusz Szczurowski, the ihumenos of the Basilian monks' monastery in Bielsk, to establish the convent of Uniates in 1792 called jozafatek in honour of the martyr. Szczurowski created chants which elucidate the character of the martyr. The development of the martyr's cult was promoted by the distribution (parcelling) of his relics as well. In the 15th century they were send to Vitebsk, Vilnius and perhaps even to Rome. In general, the relics were placed into coffin shaped reliquaries. In the 15th century these relics appeared in the Mary of Zyrowice sanctuary (built by Sapiehas) and in Polock. Other manifestations of the blessed Jozafat cult are the distribution of his pictures, flags dedicated to his honour, the building of chapels and churches in the blessed Jozafat name, the delivery of sermons sacred to the memory of his life and martyrdom and the participation in worship sacred to his honour. [From the publication]

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