Darželio-mokyklos bendruomenės dalyvavimas kuriant organizacijos kultūrą: sąlygos ir galimybės

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Darželio-mokyklos bendruomenės dalyvavimas kuriant organizacijos kultūrą: sąlygos ir galimybės
Alternative Title:
Participation of the school kinergarten society as the creation of organization's culture (case study)
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2007, 88, p. 19-24
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamas Kretingos darželio-mokyklos "Pasaka" bendruomenės dalyvavimas (sąlygų ir galimybių aspektu) kuriant organizacijos kultūrą. Organizacijos kultūra suprantama kaip jos narių elgesio, įpročių raiška, dominuojančios vertybės, organizacijos narių vertybinės nuostatos bei psichologinis klimatas. Empirinio tyrimo metu, įjungiant darželio-mokyklos pedagogus, vaikų tėvus ir mokinius, nustatomas darželio-mokyklos bendruomenę sudarančių grupių požiūris į dalyvavimo organizacijos kultūros kūrimo procesuose sąlygas ir galimybes. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darželis; Mokykla; Organizacijos kultūra; Dalyvavimas; Kindergarten; School; Organization culture; Participation; Vaikų darželis; Organizacijos kultūra ir dalyvavimas.; Kindergarten; And participation.

ENIn this article the community of Kretinga's school-kindergarten "Pasaka" participation in creating the culture of organization is analyzed. The expression of organization culture is understood as its members' behaviour, values, and common climate / atmosphere. On the basis of empirical survey, the attitudes of various community groups towards the possibilities and conditions to participate and create the organization's culture were set as well. The participation of school-kindergarten community while creating organization's culture could be explored through understanding the importance of cooperation, safety, trust, and help of each other. Also such features of organization culture are important as: a possibility to share owns thoughts, ideas; feel safe and respect; widen owns experiences creating organization's mission, vision, and philosophy. It was set that school-kindergarten's community members may participate in organization culture creation as they have the possibilities to incorporate those features that were mentioned above. Though some obstacles occur as well: students not always get all information needed; parents are not always guaranteed of their children's security; finally - teachers not often may feel as the owners of the school. More than half students have a possibility to choose the activities they like, also to get needed information from their teachers, share their ideas with peers. Parents have also all chances to visit the kindergarten as they are always kindly welcomed there. Parents have also opportunities to participate in school's activities, share their thoughts on further organization development. On the basis of teachers' attitudes, they can always participate while creating school's mission, vision, and philosophy. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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