Nusikalstamu būdu įgytų pinigų ar turto legalizavimo baudžiamasis teisinis vertinimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Nusikalstamu būdu įgytų pinigų ar turto legalizavimo baudžiamasis teisinis vertinimas
Alternative Title:
Legislation of money or property acquired in a criminal way and its legal criminal evaluation
In the Journal:
Jurisprudencija [Jurisprudence]. 2007, Nr. 8 (98), p. 62-70
Summary / Abstract:

LTNusikalstamu būdu įgytų pinigų ar turto legalizavimas yra aktuali problema Lietuvos baudžiamojoje teisėje. Visas pasaulis susirūpinęs pinigų plovimo prevencijos problemomis, ieškoma vis veiksmingesnių kovos su šiuo blogiu būdų. Deja, kol kas efektyvių priemonių, pažabojančių nusikalstamu būdu gautų pinigų legalizavimą, nerandama. Straipsnyje autorius analizuoja pinigų plovimą kaip visuomenėje egzistuojantį reiškinį, atskleidžia jo pavojingumą kaip kriminalizavimo pagrindą, pateikia pinigų plovimo teisinę sampratą, suformuluotą tarptautiniuose aktuose ir Lietuvos teisėje. Nusikalstamu būdu įgytų pinigų ar turto legalizavimas nagrinėjamas kaip nusikalstamos veikos sudėtis, analizuojamos šios nusikalstamos veikos kvalifikavimo problemos, detaliai aptariami atribojimo nuo kitų nusikalstamų veikų teisiniai aspektai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Pinigų plovimas; Nusikalstamu būdu įgytas turtas; Finansinės operacijos; Money laundering; Money and property acquired; In a criminal way; Organized crime.

ENMoney laundering is now criminalized under Article 216 dealing with “Legislation of money or property acquired in a criminal way”. There is a common characteristic of money laundering reviewed in this article also problems of fight against this crime are brought to light. Money laundering is analyzed from the point of view of criminal law. The laws of Republic of Lithuania which set a penal amenability are discussed. They are compared with corresponding laws of foreign countries. The greatest importance is attached to the legal regulation of fight against money laundering in our Republic and in the world. Money laundering prevention measures and international cooperation when solving this matter is reviewed. The author presented the legal crime construction of money laundering, which must be proved in court. Also the author analyzed the main objective and subjective features of the money laundering, such as financial operations with money or property acquired in criminal way; concludes the agreements, uses them in economic or commercial activity or makes a fraudulent declaration that they are derived from legal activity, for the purposes of concealing or legitimizing these proceeds. The author also explained that article 216 was subsequently amended in 2004 with the new wording knowing that money or property acquired in a criminal way. In the article author presented the conception of the delimitation legislation of money or property acquired in a criminal way and acquirement or realization of property obtained from criminal activity. Also the author shows that the money laundering in Lithuania is criminalized in line with the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (the Vienna Convention), and the United Nations Convention against transnational organized crime (the Palermo Convention). [From the publication]

1392-6195; 2029-2058
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