LTBesikeičianti aplinka bei gyvenimo būdo pokyčiai turi įtakos didėjančiam vaikų, sergančių bronchų astma, skaičiui. Straipsnyje analizuojami bronchų astma sergančių vaikų gyvenimo pokyčiai. Nagrinėjamas vaikų, sergančių bronchų astma paplitimas, veiksniai turintys įtakos astmos atsiradimui, bronchų astma sergančių vaikų gyvenimo pokyčių sritys vaikų ir tėvų požiūriu, sveikatos lemiami gyvenimo pokyčiai. Reikšminiai žodžiai: bronchų astma, vaikai, gyvenimo pokyčiai. [Iš leidinio]
ENAround 300 million people around the world live with the burden of asthma, almost half of whom experience symptoms that interfere with their daily lives. The disease is spreading rapidly, especially among children and young people. In Lithuania, bronchial asthma affects around 5 % of the population, including 2 % of children. Having bronchial asthma changes your daily life, with changes in different areas of life. The aim of this paper is to analyse the changes in the lives of children with bronchial asthma. The object is the changes in the lives of children aged 10 to 18 years with bronchial asthma. Aims: To analyse the impact of bronchial asthma on the life course of children with bronchial asthma based on the scientific literature. To identify the factors influencing the development of bronchial asthma and their control. To identify areas of change in the lives of children with bronchial asthma from the point of view of children and parents. To assess the determinants of health-related changes in the lives of children with bronchial asthma. Methods: analysis of scientific literature, quantitative study - questionnaire survey, descriptive and graphical analysis of the data obtained. 102 respondents (51 children and 51 parents) participated in the study. The study was carried out between March and May 2022. Conclusions: The scientific literature shows that bronchial asthma is a definite burden in all areas of life, but that if the disease is properly controlled, children with asthma can be satisfied with their lives. Factors identified as influencing the origin of bronchial asthma include respiratory infections, heredity and various environmental and household allergens. Eliminating or partially reducing these risk factors can help control the disease.The domains of change in the lives of children with bronchial asthma from the point of view of the child and the parents have been identified: physical, psychological and social. The vast majority of parents and children shared the same views on these domains of change in children's lives. The assessment of healthrelated life changes suggests that there is no area of life that is not affected. It is possible to keep the disease under control, to avoid exacerbations and to live a full life with the disease. Keywords: bronchial asthma, children, life changes. [From the publication]