Laivų apkalai Viduramžių Klaipėdos archeologinėje medžiagoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Laivų apkalai Viduramžių Klaipėdos archeologinėje medžiagoje
Alternative Title:
Iron clamps in Medieval archaeological material from Klaipėda
13 amžius; 14 amžius; 15 amžius; Klaipėda. Klaipėdos kraštas (Klaipeda region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Archeologija / Archaeology; Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai / Archaeological investigations.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatoma naujausių Klaipėdos piliavietės archeologinių tyrimų metu surinkti artefaktai, susiję su laivais. Daugiausia dėmesio straipsnyje skiriama 2014 m. ir 2016 m. surinktiems laivų korpuso sandarinimo apkalams-sąkaboms. Pateikiami jų radimo archeologiniai kontekstai ir įvertinama šių artefaktų suteikiama informacija Viduramžių Klaipėdos istoriografijos kontekste. Stratigrafuotuose archeologiniuose kontekstuose surinkti laivų apkalai patvirtina struktūrų ir sluoksnių datavimą, kuris pagrįstas daugiausia remiantis keraminių artefaktų analizės duomenimis. Tad laivų korpuso sandarinimo apkalai ir jų tipologija yra dar vienas patikimas įrankis datuojant Viduramžių archeologinius objektus. Reikšminiai žodžiai: laivyba, laivų apkalai, Klaipėda (Memel), Viduramžių archeologija, Vokiečių ordinas. [Iš leidinio]

ENThis article presents ship-related artefacts discovered during investigations of archaeological layers and structures in Medieval Klaipėda. The main subject of the article is iron clamps collected during archaeological research in 2014 and 2016. By applying the typology of Karel Vlierman, these clamps are assigned to a specific type. Historical data and the archaeological contexts of ship clamping are also discussed, which allows for a more reliable and accurate interpretation of the finds. The historical data indicate that medium-size and small ships were the most common ships used for fishing, transport and other functions in Klaipėda (Memel) in the Middle Ages. Much less frequently mentioned in the written sources are seagoing ships, which not only called at Klaipėda when travelling between Kaliningrad (Kdnigsberg), Baltijsk (Pilau) and Liepaja (Libau), but were also used to bring the materials needed for the reconstruction of Klaipėda Castle. Some ships in Klaipėda were used for transport and inland waterway transport. The iron clamps collected from Medieval archaeological layers are attributed to the period from the second half of the 13th century to the beginning of the 16th century. The earliest Type C iron clamp is the least identified. They represent ships from the second half of the 13th century and the beginning of the 14th century. The most abundant groups are those of types D and E, which date from the 14th and the 15th centuries.The chronology of the iron clamps found in ‘clean’ archaeological layers or structures coincides with the preliminary dating based on a typological analysis of the pottery. Thus, it demonstrates that the typology developed by K. Vlierman is an appropriate tool for the evaluation of artefacts collected in the archaeological contexts of Medieval Klaipėda. The artefacts analysed demonstrate that ships in the Middle Ages were a permanent attribute of Klaipėda Castle and the city from its very foundation. Keywords: shipping, iron clamps, Klaipėda (Memel), Medieval archaeology, Teutonic Order. [From the publication]

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