Adaptacje "Grażyny" Adama Mickiewicza w literaturze i sztuce litewskiej

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Adaptacje "Grażyny" Adama Mickiewicza w literaturze i sztuce litewskiej
Alternative Title:
  • Transformation of Mickiewicz poem "Grażyna" in Lithuanian literature and art
  • Adomo Mickevičiaus "Gražinos" adaptacijos lietuvių literatūroje ir mene
Šatrijos Ragana (Marija Pečkauskaitė); Adomas Mickevičius (Adam Mickiewicz); Kazys Inčiūra; Literatūros teorija ir kritika / Literary science and criticism; Literatūros istorija / Literary history; Menas / Art; Poezija / Poetry; Teatras. Scenografija / Theater. Scenography.
Summary / Abstract:

ENThe aim of the article is to analyze two adaptations of Adam Mickiewicz’s narrative poem Grażyna. Both appeared in Lithuania. The fi rst one is called Lietuvos senovės septyni paveikslai and was written by Šatrijos Ragana, Marija Pečkauskaitė, a Lithuanian writer, whose literary works were published at the beginning of the 20th century. The author changed the form of narration, and Mickiewicz’s poem was transformed into a legend. Interestingly, Ragana did not mention the Polish poet’s name, and the article is trying to explain what the Lithuanian artist’s purpose was. The second example of dramatization is the opera’s libretto written by Kazys Inčiura, a well-known Lithuanian poet. Grażyna was the first Lithuanian historical opera, and its performance took place in 1933 in Kaunas. Keywords: Adam Mickiewicz, Grażyna, literary adaptations, opera’s libretto, legend, Kazys Inčiura, Šatrijos Ragana. [From the publication]

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2023-07-21 22:02:42
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