"Избывая даней прародителей": вопрос о лене и дани в отношениях Великого Княжества Московского и Священной Римской империи с Ливонией (XV - первая половина XVI в.)

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Rusų kalba / Russian
"Избывая даней прародителей": вопрос о лене и дани в отношениях Великого Княжества Московского и Священной Римской империи с Ливонией (XV - первая половина XVI в.)
Alternative Title:
"Avoiding the tribute of fathers": the issue of allegiance and tribute in the relations of Grand Duchy of Moscow and Holy Roman Empire with Livonia (15th - first half of 16th century)
In the Journal:
Studia historica Europae orientalis. 2019, 12, p. 126-142, 224, 227-228
Summary / Abstract:

ENThe article is dedicated to a little-known aspect of relations of Grand Duchy of Moscow and Holy Roman Empire with Livonian confederation – the issue of vassal and tribute dependence of Livonian authorities on the emperor and great prince of Moscow. The case of a double was actualized in connection with escalation of Russian-Livonian conflict because of «Dorpat tribute» during 50er of 16th century. The purpose of this study is to clarify the legal status of Livonia towards to emperor and Russian Tsar in 50er of 16th century before the Livonian war. The author states, that the double vassal dependence of Livonia was a result of internal conflict between the master of Teutonic order in Livonia, the bishops of Riga and Dorpat. These authorities searched for an external support in their struggle for an internal leadership in Livonia. The punсt of «Dorpat tribute» in the Pskov-Dorpat treaties of the second half of 15th – first half of 16th century was deliberately not mentioned by Livonians in a communication with imperial estates while discussing the imperial taxes during the reichstags. Therefore, one of the reasons of Livonian war was «bad payment moral» of the Livonian authorities towards to their legal lords – emperor of Holy Roman Empire and great prince of Moscow. [From the publication]

2023-12-01 14:47:41
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