LTStraipsnyje analizuojamas Vyrų informuotumas apie prostatos vėžį ir prevenciją. Nagrinėjamos vyrų žinios apie prostatos vėžio atsiradimo priežastis, rizikos veiksnius, klinikinius simptomus, prevenciją, bei dalyvavimą joje, o taip pat sveikatos priežiūros specialistų svarba suteikiant informaciją. [Iš leidinio]
ENProstate cancer is a slow-growing malignant tumour that does not show any specific signs for long time, and is the most common oncological disease in men determined in Lithuania. The first symptoms are often shown only after several years and cause health problems. Effective treatment is possible only when the disease is diagnosed at an early stage. Therefore, the prevention using a variety of diagnostic methods for the determination of early malignant tumour is very important for the infancy of prostate cancer. Although currently almost no data on men’s awareness in this area. The object of thesis is awareness of men of prostate cancer and its prevention. The aim of thesis is to investigate the awareness of men of prostate cancer and its prevention. Objectives of the study: To analyze the prevalence of prostate cancer in Lithuania, risk factors and the role of health care professional in the prevention of prostate cancer; to identify the knowledge of men about prostate cancer, risk factors, and clinical symptoms; to evaluate the knowledge of men about the prevention of prostate cancer and participation in it; to determine the importance of the health care professional informing the men about prostate cancer and its prevention. Research methods used: analysis of scientific literature, questionnaire survey of respondents, graphical and descriptive analysis of the results obtained. 183 respondents participated in the survey.The findings: The analysis of the scientific literature revealed that prostate cancer in Lithuania is the most common oncological disease determined in men. The following risk factors of prostate cancer are distinguished: patient’s age, genetic heredity, wrong nutrition, environmental effects. Health care professionals play an important role providing the information to patients about the disease risk factors, carrying out the control of risk factors, and encouraging the participation in the prevention; the identification of the men knowledge revealed that the majority of respondents were aware of what prostate cancer was and could identify the key risk factors for this disease. However, only a few of the respondents who participated in the survey knew the symptoms of prostate cancer at an early stage; the evaluation of men’s knowledge leads us to the statement that only slightly more than half of the respondents participated in the examination and had enough knowledge about it, although a majority of them knew something about the early diagnosis program. The rest of them did not want to participate or have not heard about this program; it was found that the role of health care professional is very important. The men who participated in the survey trusted the professionals who cared for them most of all, and would like to get the information about the prostate cancer and its prevention from them visiting the clinic or family physician’s surgery. [From the publication]