Savanorių išlaikymo nevyriausybinėse organizacijose veiksnių analizė: teorinis aspektas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Savanorių išlaikymo nevyriausybinėse organizacijose veiksnių analizė: teorinis aspektas
Alternative Title:
Analysis of factors for supporting volunteers in non-governmental organisations: theoretical aspect
Summary / Abstract:

LTNevyriausybinių organizacijų (toliau NVO) veikla yra svarbi kiekvienos valstybės socialiniam ir ekonominiam funkcionavimui. NVO sektorius sujungdamas žmones, turinčius bendrų interesų, padeda spręsti įvairias socialines problemas. Remiantis Lietuvos gyventojų apklausos „Savanorystė Lietuvoje“ (2010) duomenimis, savanoriška veikla Lietuvoje vertinama vis palankiau ir dažniau pasirenkama, kaip papildoma veikla. Tai skatina esamų organizacijų vystymąsi ir naujų kūrimą. Tačiau NVO vadovai vis dar susiduria su problema, kaip tinkamai pritraukti ir motyvuoti savanorius, kad sumažėtų jų kaita nevyriausybinėse organizacijose ir būtų vykdoma geresnė veikla. Tai skatina ieškoti naujų būdų ir metodų, kurie padėtų geriau valdyti veiklą, suprasti savanorių motyvus ir priimti geresnius sprendimus. Tyrimo objektas – savanorių išlaikymas nevyriausybinėse organizacijose. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti savanoriškos veiklos pasirinkimo motyvus ir galimus savanorių išlaikymo veiksnius. Tyrimo uždaviniai: a) nustatyti pagrindinius motyvus, darančius įtaką savanoriškos veiklos pasirinkimui; b) apibendrinti tyrėjų požiūrius į savanorių atrankos veiksnius; c) apibendrinti mokslininkų nuomones apie savanorių išlaikymo veiksnius; d) pateikti išvadas ir rekomendacijas. [Iš straipsnio, p. 107]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Nevyriausybinės organizacijos; Savanoriai; Savanoriška veikla; Motyvai. Keywords: Non-governmental organizations; Volunteers; Voluntary activities; Motives.

ENVolunteer attraction and retention are increasingly becoming more important in non-governmental organizations (NGO). Increasing social and employment needs increase expanding chances of non-governmental organizations. In order to improve non-governmental organizations activity it is needed to improve the relationship between existing volunteers and to maintain them in non-governmental organizations. Volunteering in non-governmental organizations is often not paid, so it is important to find out which motives encourage volunteering and how to properly manage and maintain volunteers. This raises the problem of how to manage, motivate and attract volunteers to reduce their turnover in non-governmental organizations. The aim is to identify motives for choice of volunteering and the potential volunteer retention factors. A scientific literature was analyzed to find out the main reasons for the choices of volunteering and summarize scientists’ opinions about volunteer retention and selection aspects. Volunteer motivation is influenced by many factors such as gender, age, culture, values of family and friends, education, religion, etc. It is difficult to determine why people choose voluntary activities, and what motivates them. It all depends on the individual motives, which can be external: culture, religion, friends or family influence, and internal: psychological factors, desire for self-fulfilment and intention to help others. Of course it can be more of these motives if they would be analyzed separately for each person.When organization identifies what are the reasons for choosing voluntary activities, in the future it is much easier to understand and maintain volunteers in organization. According to volunteer’s motives, organizations can select volunteers, determining what characteristics or motives must have prospective volunteers. The paper discussed Callow (2004) potential volunteers segmentation method based on the distribution of volunteers according to their motives. Such volunteers’ selection is quite appropriate, because it includes the main motives for encouraging to participate in voluntary activities. NGO managers should decide which segment is better and select volunteers. In order to properly select volunteers is important to take into account NGO activities and objectives. There are a number of NGOs that are looking for volunteers willing to help others, these organizations should focus on those segments of the volunteers who emphasize more altruistic motives. And various youth and recreational organizations should try to attract volunteers striving for self-improvement or the need to communicate. In order to create long-term relationships between NGOs and volunteers need to find out the reasons which encourage the choice of voluntary activities. It is easier to use the variety of motivation and retention programs when motives for the volunteering choice are known. It is important to take into account what volunteers expect and what organization can give for them. Volunteer’s desire to continue volunteering can be promoted by giving easier working conditions, this can be done through a range of training, capacity building, and providing more freedom and responsibility. It is important to be aware of the volunteer’s expectations, and provide what most motivates him or her to establish long-term relationships. [From the publication]

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