Teaching practice management: mentoring competences

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Anglų kalba / English
Teaching practice management: mentoring competences
Alternative Title:
Mācību prakses vadīšana: mentora competence
Summary / Abstract:

LTSiekiant ikimokyklinio ugdymo teorijos ir praktikos studijų programų sąsajų, pedagogo gebėjimo mokytis iš asmeninės ir patyrusio kolegos patirties, praktinių vaiko ugdymo gebėjimų kokybės, būtina didinti pedagoginei praktikai skirtų kreditų skaičių ir gerinti pedagoginės praktikos vadybą. Vienas iš šios problemos sprendimo būdų padėti patyrusiam pedagogui – praktikos vadovui – įgyti mentoriavimo kompetencijų. Straipsnyje pateikiamos praktikos vadybai aktualios mentoriaus kompetencijos: gebėjimas padėti studentui susiorientuoti ugdymo institucijos struktūroje, perprasti jos kultūrą; gebėjimas asistuoti, tarpininkauti, paremti, konsultuoti studentą, atliekantį praktiką; gebėjimas analizuoti, kritiškai vertinti, reflektuoti studento praktiką; gebėjimas paskatinti studentą mokytis iš kitų pedagogų, mokytis iš savo pedagoginės patirties; gebėjimas įtraukti studentą į progresyvų mokymąsi bendradarbiaujant, į šiuolaikinių pedagoginių idėjų paiešką ir tyrimus; gebėjimas atlikti studento advokato vaidmenį. Pristatomas kvalifikacijos kėlimo seminaro mentoriaus kompetencijoms įgyti modulis, tematika (perėjimo nuo studijų prie ugdymo praktikos ypatumai ir palengvinimas; studentų praktikantų efektyvaus informavimo strategijos; studento praktikanto profesinės raidos etapai ir kompetencijos; praktikos laiko planavimas; sėkmingos profesinės veiklos principai ir kriterijai; pradedančiojo ir patyrusiojo pora ugdymo procese bei komandinė veikla; stresų įveikos vadyba; iššūkių, problemų, krizių sprendimo strategijos), mentoriaus mokymosi metodai ir strategijos. Straipsnyje aprašomas vadovavimo studentų praktikai modelis. Atskleidžiamas modelio kūrimo ir veiksmo tyrimo vieningas procesas.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Mentoriai; Praktikos valdymas; Edukatorių ugdymas; Ankstyvojo amžiaus vaikų ugdymas; Mentor; Practice management; Undergraduate studies; Educator training; Early childhood education.

ENStriving for coherence between pre-school education theory and practice in the study programmes, educator’s ability to learn from personal experience and from that of an proficient colleague, seeking for quality of child’s education skills, it is necessary to increase the number of credits for educational practice and to improve educational practice management. One of the solutions to this problem is to enable an experienced educator-practice supervisor to gain mentoring competencies. In order to increase appeal of educational practice for a student and its efficiency, it is necessary to change communication culture between a student-trainee and a supervisor-mentor: a practice supervisor should be ready to accept roles of a friend, an advisor, a mediator, an instructor and a consultant; she should enhance student’s motivation to learn from practical experience through communication and cooperation, reconstruction of and reflection on education experience while conducting action researches. Mentoring competences that are essential to practice management are presented: ability to facilitate student’s orientation in the structure of education institution and penetration into its culture; ability to assist, mediate, support and consult a trainee; ability to analyse, critically evaluate and reflect on student’s practice; ability to encourage a student to learn from other educators as well as from own pedagogical experience; ability to involve students in a progressive partnership-based learning and in search for modern pedagogical ideas and researches; educator’s ability to perform the role of a student’s advocate.The article introduces a professional development module for acquisition of mentoring competencies, themes (peculiarities and facilitation of transition from studies to educational practice; strategies of effective information provision to students – trainees efficiently; stages and competencies of students-trainees’ professional development; planning of practice time; principle and criteria of successful professional activity; partnership of a novice and an experienced educator in the educational process and team work; stress management; strategies for management of challenges, problems and crises), methods and strategies of mentor’s learning. The model of mentoring students’ practice is characterised in the study and a united process of model development and action research is determined. Aim of research: to identify mentoring competencies having the biggest impact on quality of students’ practice management. Research methods: interview, qualitative analysis of reflection on meetings between a student-trainee and a mentor. Sample: 40 students and 10 mentors. Research results indicate that students face problems related to both interpersonal relations and education during their practice. The research highlighted the need for mentoring and its efficiency. The qualitative analysis of reflection on meetings between a student-trainee and a practice supervisor with acquired mentoring competencies revealed benefit of mentoring to all the students. However, some students benefited from encouragement and support, others needed a mediator between a student and the community; in some other cases, a mentor contributed to development of practical competencies of education planning and organising and enabled a trainee to practically test new education technologies. [From the publication]

2020-07-30 19:49:10
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