Išorės ekonominių santykių strategija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Išorės ekonominių santykių strategija
Alternative Title:
Strategy for external economic relations
In the Book:
Ilgalaikė Lietuvos ūkio (ekonomikos) plėtotės iki 2015 metų strategija / sudarytojas Algimantas Liekis. Vilnius: Personalinės įmonės "Lietuvos mokslas" redakcija, 2002. P. 295-245
Kaimas. Kaimai / Villages. Country.
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠio darbo tikslas - atlikti Lietuvos išorės ekonominių santykių aplinkos strateginę analizę ir apibrėžti pagrindines išorės ekonominių santykių politikos strategines kryptis ir tikslus laikotarpiui iki 2015 m. Numatoma, kad šios strategijos įgyvendinimas apims tris etapus. 1-asis etapas (iki 2004-2005 m.) bus autonominės išorės ekonominių ryšių politikos etapas, kartu Lietuvai rengiantis narystei Europos Sąjungoje. 2-asis etapas (nuo 2004-2005 m. iki 2006-2008 m.) bus Lietuvos išorės ekonominių ryšių formavimas daug šiauresniame lauke Lietuvai esant ES nare ir rengiantis narystei Ekonominėje ir pinigų sąjungoje (EPS). 3-iasis etapas (nuo 2006-2008 m.), prasidėsiantis Lietuvai tapus EPS nare, pasižymės dar didesnėmis šalies išorės ekonominių santykių reguliavimo ypatybėmis. Lietuvos ekonominės politikos, taip pat ir išorės ekonominių santykių srityje, strateginiai tikslai nesikeis, bet tų tikslų įgyvendinimas ekonominės politikos priemonėmis kokybiškai keisis - apskritai Vyriausybės veiksmų autonomija sumažės, o priemonių arsenalas pakis. [Iš teksto, p. 197]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Strategija; Šalies ūkis; Vizija; Misija; Strateginiai tikslai; Veiksmai; Priemonės; Strategy; Country's economy; Vision; Mission; Strategic goals; Actions; Measures.

ENThe strongest factor influencing the esternal economic strategy as a part of Lithuania's economic policy is globalization. Within it the integration to the European Union should be pointed out as a decisive mid-term factor shaping Lithuanian external economic relations. Lithuania's goal in the field of external economic relationsis to implement principles of open economy so as to share benefits the expansion of die global goods' and services' exchange and capital movement bringsto its pardcipants. Lithuania's strengths in the area of external economic relations are the potential of its human capital, favourable conditions for some branches of agriculture, position of transit linking Western Europe with the rest of Eurasia. Its weaknesses comprise die wide-spread technological, labour skills management gaps. Small size of domestic market should also be mentioned. Threats are presented by the temporary character of nation's competctive advantages (low costs mainly, so far) and, therefore, the perspective of predominandy extensive (not intensive) growth which shall preserve the current disadvantage in growth of income and welfare. What follows from the Heckschcr-Ohlin theory, coming intensification of trade and FDI may strengthen the backwardness of Lithuanian industry and economy - both in terms of technolog}' and the structure as well. It may be fostered by emigration of the high-skilled professionals and university graduates. Economic stabilisation may suffer from the Balassa-Samuelson effect — due to die expansion in trade of tradables. The coming situation brings opportunities as well. Lithania is becoming, espe- cialy after joining the EU, a very attractive place for FDI. With the rise of the Russian economy Lithuania will expand its role of a centre of logistics. Additional bennefits will be brought by joining monetary union (die euro area).All this provides the ground for a vision of Lithuania in the of external economic realtions. Making use of the membership of the EU Lithuania's economy shall achieve the average GDP growth of 6 per cent and shall begin to reduce the differential in the level of economic development and welfare in relation to the old members of the EU. By 2015 Lithuania shall experience great changes in its economy although it shall remain a net beneficiary of Community budget. The main role of the Government in this field will be to exploit the emerging possibilities and opportunities, to avoid potential threats and to solve problems which may arise. In order to fulfill it Lithuanian internal and external economic policy should be transformed into single economic policy comprising three parts: (a) internal economic policy formed had implemented according to the principle of subsidiarity, (b) economic policy within the European Community and (c) policy of economic relations with the non-EU countries. [From the publication]

2022-01-22 22:06:11
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