LTŠių dienų ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigos – nedidelės bendruomenės, kurioms vadovauti reikia nemažai gebėjimų ir įgūdžių. Vadovavimo procese didžiulį vaidmenį turi vadovo elgesys bei vadovo bendravimo ypatumai. Buvo ištirti šie du veiksniai: kokią svarbą Lietuvos ikimokyklinių ugdymo įstaigų vadovai jiems teikia vadovo darbe ir kaip vadovai vertina savo gebėjimus šiose srityse. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad vadovai mano, jog vadovo elgesio bei bendravimo ypatumų veiksniai yra labai svarbūs ikimokyklinės ugdymo įstaigos vadovo darbe bei atsiskleidė kaip savo darbe teikiantys tam nemažą svarbą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ikimokyklinis ugdymas; Vadovavimas; Vadyba; Bendravimas; Pre-school education; Management; Communication.
ENThe article states that schools with proficient headmasters are marked by collegiality and a sense of common purpose and that the image projected by headmasters might affects on the way students, staff, parents, and the community perceive a school. A sample of Lithuanian pre-school institutions was taken for the research. The results revealed that Lithuanian pre-school institutions believe that leadership behaviour and communication skills are very important in headmaster’s job. The research proved that headmasters demonstrate vision and provide leadership that appropriately involves the school community in the creation of shared beliefs and values, which proves that pre-school education is on the right path. Lithuanian headmasters of pre-school institutions have to put more effort into identifying, pursuing, and creatively coordinating the use of available human, material, and financial resources to achieve the school‘s mission and goals. They distinguished themselves as active listeners, which leads to believing that the interests of the employees are met. Most of them admit that they need to use appropriate communication modes, including current technologies, to communicate the school‘s philosophy, needs, mission, and accomplishments; they need to improve their skills in written communication and the effective use of the media. The results prove that Lithuanian pre-school institutions are still very introverted, resistant to change, even if the openness is declared. On the other hand, headmasters understand the importance of opening up and perfecting the proficiencies in leadership behaviour and communication skills.