Lietuvos kredito unijų reforma 2018 metais

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos kredito unijų reforma 2018 metais
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian credit union reform in 2018
In the Journal:
Mokslo taikomieji tyrimai Lietuvos kolegijose [Applied research at the colleges of Lithuania]. 2018, nr. 14, p. 73-80
Konkurencija / Competition; Kreditas. Paskolos / Credit.
Summary / Abstract:

LTKredito unijų sektorius Lietuvoje funkcionuoja jau daugiau nei dvidešimt metų, tačiau nepakankamas finansinis stabilumas ir patikimumas lemia poreikį ieškoti sektoriaus pertvarkos galimybių, galinčių užtikrinti ilgalaikį šio sektoriaus vystymąsi. Lietuvos kredito unijų įstatymo pakeitimai, kaip esminis kredito unijų sektoriaus pertvarko elementas, įsigaliojo nuo 2018 m., todėl tampa aktualu įvertinti, kokį poveikį šie pakeitimai turės visam sektoriui, žvelgiant iš kredito unijų ekspertų perspektyvos. Atliktas ekspertų nuomonės tyrimas leidžia įvertinti teigiamus ir neigiamus pertvarkos elementus bei numanomą poveikį tolesnei kredito unijų sektoriaus raidai. Tyrimo rezultatai patvirtina prielaidą, kad sėkmingas kredito unijų sektoriaus pertvarkos įgyvendinimas gali turėti reikšmingą teigiamą poveikį Lietuvos bankinio sektoriaus plėtrai, didinant finansinių paslaugų apimtis ir plečiant jų spektrą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bankinis sektorius; Konkurencingumas; Kredito unijos; Nišiniai sektoriai; Banking sector; Competitiveness; Credit unions; Niche sectors.

ENThe Credit Union Sector has been functioning in Lithuania for more than twenty years - the Law on Credit Unions of the Republic of Lithuania has been in force since 1995. During this time, it has undergone several fundamental transformations, including the establishment of the Central Credit Union (the Law on Central Credit Unions of the Republic of Lithuania has been in force since 2000); several changes in legal regulation and activity review and the global financial crisis, which led to a rapid increase in the number of Credit Unions and their assets, in parallel with the increased operational risk and first bankruptcies. To ensure the stability of the Credit Union sector, a new legal regulation of the activities of Credit Unions was adopted in 2018, creating new rules for the activities of Credit Unions, primarily aimed at ensuring the financial stability of the Credit Union Sector. Although the Sector of Credit Unions is sometimes referred to as financially insecure and fails to create significant added value in the Lithuanian Financial Sector, the objective data indicate that a stable and reliable Credit Unions Sector in Lithuania can have a significant positive impact on the whole Banking Sector, which, in the range of the euro area, requires tense development efforts at the national level. The subject of the article is the Lithuanian Credit Union Sector in the context of the development of the Banking Sector of the country. The objective of the article is to examine the expected impact of the restruction of the Lithuanian Credit Union Sector on the development of the Credit Union Sector.The article gives a brief overview of the development of the Lithuanian Banking Sector in the context of member states of the euro area and examines in detail the development opportunities of the Credit Union Sector assessing the potential provided by the transformation of the Sector. [From the publication]

1822-1068; 2335-8904
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