LTStraipsnyje aprašomas viename Vilniaus miesto darželyje atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas buvo nustatyti mikčiojančio vaiko saviraiškos ypatumus meninėje veikloje. Tyrimo objektas – mikčiojančiojo vaiko saviraiškos procesas. Išanalizavus tyrimo duomenis daromos šios išvados: - Galima konstatuoti teigiamą „muzikos piešimo“ įtaką vaiko kalbos procesui. - Šio tyrimo rezultatai atskleidžia tai, jog mikčiojimas turi neigiamą įtaką vaiko asmenybei bei jo saviraiškai; - Menų sintezės idėjos įgyvendinimas šiame tyrime parodė, kad muzikos sukelti vaizdiniai, emocijos lavina vaikų vaizduotę ir tuo pačiu padeda jiems geriau išreikšti save piešimo metu, stiprina jų pasitikėjimą savimi šioje veikloje.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikai; Saviraiškos ypatumai; Kalbos sutrikimai; Self- expression; Pre-school children with speaking defects.
ENResearch shows that children at preschool age with stammering problems face a number of development hindrances during the process of personality formation, i.e. they lack self-confidence both in speech and in other spheres of activity. Emotions constitute a major factor determining the formation of personality. Children of preschool age are characterized by enormous emotional flexibility. Therefore, it is possible to assume that the above mentioned problems can be minimised or even cured by activities that evoke positive emotions (e.g. different forms of art or synthesis of arts). The research consisted of two parts: (1) listening to music and narration of music, (2) listening to music, drawing, narrating. The aim of the work was to register peculiarities of self-expression in speech and in creative activities of stammering children. When analysing the results the attention was focused on the process of self-expression. Children were tested individually. Eleven children with different degree of stammer took part in the research programme. The results are presented in the descriptive manner and then summarised. The process of “music drawing” has a positive effect of the verbal self-expression. The majority of the children felt no discomfort when drawing through normally drawing used to cause problems. The results of the research proved once again that stammering has a negative effect of the child’s personality, in particular on his/her self-expression.