LTStraipsnio objektas - lietuvių etiologinės sakmės. Tikslas - aptarti kultūrų koherentiškumo klausimą, remiantis lietuvių etiologinėmis sakmėmis. Metodas - istorinis-tipologinis, aprašomasis. Išvados: lietuvių etiologinė sakmė yra dvi kultūras - ikikrikščioniškąją ir krikščioniškąja bei jų junginį atspindintis žanras. Senoji kultūra išsaugojo pirmaprades mentalines schemas (indoeuropietiškas kūrimo, laiko, erdvės sampratas). Nauja krikščioniška refleksija praplėtė etiologinės sakmės temų ir motyvu lauką, kartais mechaniškai jį padengdama modernesne krikščioniška paradigma, kartais kūrybiškai įvesdama krikščioniškąsias realijas į lietuvių naratyvinę atmintį. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Tautosaka; Lietuvių etiologinės sakmės; Lithuanian etiological legends.
ENEtiological legends are among those folklore genres which were affected most profoundly by the Scripture and the apocrypha. Therefore it is important to determine the relationship between both the legends and the archaic myths as typological equivalents and Christian narratives, which were widespread through the Bible, sermons, prayers and etc. Principal canonical features of the folklore genre are established by focusing the attention on the chief landmarks detected in the diversity of the etiological legend?. They are described according to their themes, the re; objects of which are dealt with according to the interpretations of the origin of the world, humans beings, animals, and their peculiarities. Particularly vivid are the images creating dramatis personas, and those either cooperating or confronting with them: God and the devil, mythical creatures and saints, human beings and animals. The ancient pre-Christian culture was a crucial factor at the start and during the entire lifetime of the narrative folklore genre. The Christian world-view complemented and modified the old traditional culture, how ever, the issues concerning God, the devil, time, space, the world, the beginning and end of the human being remained topical. The etiological legends are a specific model of folklore narration. They amalgamate two cultures, two viewpoints and two extremes of different perception peacefully coexisting side by side. [From the publication]