Iššūkiai Lietuvos mokytojams ir mokykloms modernios liberalios švietimo koncepcijos požiūriu

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Iššūkiai Lietuvos mokytojams ir mokykloms modernios liberalios švietimo koncepcijos požiūriu
Alternative Title:
Challenges to Lithuanian teachers and schools in the context of modern liberal concept of education
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2006, 82, p. 51-56
Dorovinis ugdymas / Moral education; Mokytojų ugdymas / Teacher education; Ugdymas / Education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojami iššūkiai, keliami mokytojams ir mokyklai modernios liberalios švietimo koncepcijos požiūriu, atskleidžiant joje išskiriamas ugdymo vertybes ugdymo tiksluose, turinyje, edukaciniuose procesuose. Akcentuojama, kad bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos koncepcijoje pabrėžiami ugdymo principai ir tikslai lemia ugdymo kryptį bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose ir turi įtakos ateities visuomenes kokybei. Esminiai žodžiai: demokratinis ir liberalus ugdymas, vertybes švietimo koncepcija. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Demokratinis ir liberalus ugdymas; Vertybės; Švietimo koncepcija; The European dimensions of education; Development of education and training teacher.

ENToday the optimistic European geopolitical vision of the development of mankind requires close cooperation and integration of the countries. New attitude towards personal and socio-cultural aims of Lithuanian education determines the need for revision of the content of education, search for the possibility to change teaching activities, taking into consideration contemporary European and global tendencies of the educational change. The problem of Lithuanian educational modernization which has emerged in the context of European dimensions in education stimulates schools to participate in international educational projects, look for essential common points, new qualities, and create in the first place such European dimensions which directly influence educational content, comprise changeable teacher's activities and all life of school. European dimensions of education is not an indiscrete concept since, on the one hand, European dimensions of education represent the strategy of the development of the education of the European Union, contributing to the understanding of Europe, public spirit, and offering assistance in developing the common labour market. On the other hand, European dimensions of education are a dynamic reality based on democracy and respect for an individual, emphasizing the quality of education, and directly influencing the educational content and the whole school life. Third, European dimensions are the development of knowledge, skills, and relationships that would enable a young person to effectively live and work feeling a competent member of the European community.

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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