LTNedarbas visada buvo aktuali problema. Neturint darbo, viena vertus, neišnaudojamos potencialios galimybės ekonominei gerovei kelti, kita vertus, žmonės neturi pajamų gyvenimo išlaidoms ir moraliai nuskursta negalėdami patenkinti savo poreikių. Svarbiausia nedarbo priežastis yra darbo vietų stoka, tačiau nedarbui daro įtaką ir nepakankama darbo patirtis dėl universitetų ir kolegijų studentų atliekamų praktikų netobulumo. Nedarbo pobūdį lemia bankroto specifika įvairiose valstybėse. Jei propaguojamas ir įgyvendinamas socialinės rinkos modelis, nedarbo procesus galima reguliuoti. Lietuvoje daugiausia bedarbių yra įgijusių darbininkų profesijas: traktorininkų, kirpėjų, automobilio krautuvo vairuotojų, manikiūrininkų ir kosmetologų. Daugiausiai specialistų bedarbių yra tokių profesijų kaip teisininkai, socialiniai darbuotojai, ekonomistai, socialiniai pedagogai, pradinio ugdymo mokytojai. Svarbu lavinti ir stiprinti profesinę adaptaciją, kaip svarbiausią veiksnį struktūriniam ir paprastajam nedarbui mažinti. Dabartiniu metu situacija Lietuvoje, Europos Sąjungoje ir pasaulyje yra ta, kad darbdaviai jau neranda darbuotojų aukšto techninio lygio laisvoms darbo vietoms užimti, ypač diegiant nano ir interaktyvias technologijas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Nedarbas; Nedarbo priežastys; Nedarbo statistika; Paprastasis nedarbas; Reguliavimas; Struktūrinis nedarbas; Turinys ir pasekmės; Content and sequences; Reasons; Reasons of unemployment; Regulation; Simple unemployment; Statistics of; Structural unemployment; Unemployment.
ENThe article deals with problems of unemployment in Lithuania, European Union, and the world. Unemployment depends on peculiarity of business, capital concentration, the differences in income of population. Invalid Government social policy also influences unemployment process. Nevertheless work for those personality whose give social benefits in accordance with different programs, for example program of heating when heating exceeded 20 percent of all incomes of home economy Government for those people takes social recipients and that group of population doesn’t want work. Very important question in analysis of unemployment is problems of professional adaptation. In accordance authors research, manpower educated in colleges much more easy employ in work places according with them professions. In total, unemployment forms in all countries of the world are common and parting only in accordance with legal content. For example, in Lithuania as in other countries dominate structural unemployment which exist in process, on the one side, emigration work force from Lithuania to other developed European Union countries, on the other side, immigration population from other countries, in particularly from east and Asia countries. Only in 2012 year in Lithuania immigrated 21 thousand people. In current conditions in rapid way increased unemployment in rural sector because of early departure from active agricultural activity, which maintain appointing special funds European commission. Unemployment in Lithuania is bucking according with technique of European Union, which is oriented in way of unemployment statistics in third countries. The prognosis of unemployment in Lithuania are composing in future of one year, because it is difficult to suppose all reasons and cases of occupation personnel of different professions. Mostly work of specialists wants judges, social workers, economists, social schoolteachers and initial education teachers.In accordance of professions of the workers most work wants tractor drivers, barbers, automobile stacker drivers, electric stacker drivers, manicurists and cosmetology. In purposes of changing situation in unemployment employers of different companies must change opinion in work experience which is bad because inadequate practice of students from universities and colleges. The main factor of reduction for structural and other forms of unemployment is training and reinforcing professional adaptation. Today’s specific feature of unemployment in Lithuania and other countries is those, that in rapid speed grows demand personnel of engineering and information technologies specialists and employers didn’t find workers foe that work places and in that case the Government of states initiated different efforts to offset labour force supply and demand. [From the publication]