Tarptautinių ekonominių santykių transformacija šiuolaikinėmis sąlygomis: Lietuvos atvejis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tarptautinių ekonominių santykių transformacija šiuolaikinėmis sąlygomis: Lietuvos atvejis
Alternative Title:
Transformation international economic relations in recent conditions: the case of Lithuania
In the Journal:
Tarptautiniai santykiai / International relations; Valdymas / Management.
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvos integracija į tarptautinius ekonominius santykius – sudėtingas ir nevienpusiškas procesas. Įvertindami šio integracijos modelio sudėtingumą, ekonomistai siūlo pasinaudoti kitų, ypač išsivysčiusių Europos Sąjungos šalių pavyzdžiu. Jos užtikrina ekonomikos atgaivinimą mažindamos savo valiutos kursą ir užkariaudamos kitų šalių rinką, prisidėdamos prie jų augimo interesų. Vertinant šią situaciją, būtina atkreipti dėmesį į naujas tarptautinio ekonominio bendradarbiavimo sąlygas ir formas, kurias lemia reprodukcijos ciklo ir valstybinio ekonomikos reguliavimo pokyčiai. Lietuvos Respublika, realiai atstovaudama besivystančioms šalims ir pretenduodama tapti nauja industrine valstybe, ypač turėtų domėtis tais tarptautinio ekonominio bendradarbiavimo ypatumais, kurie susiję su išsivysčiusių ir besivystančių ar naujų industrinių šalių santykiais. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Empirinis tyrimas; Krizė; Lietuvos atvejis; Tarptautiniai ekonominiai santykiai; Transformacijos; Crisis; Empirical; Empirical research; International economic relations; Research; The case of Lithuania; Transformations.

ENThe international business relations are developed in accordance with the same marketing principles operating in the setting of different countries and which are employed by using the current marketing technology and principles. Favourable geographic situation has a very great significance for the development of economic relations between Lithuania and foreign countries. Lithuania is considered to be the geographic centre of Europe. Such a concept is a favour opportunity to develop relations between the West and the East, the North and the South. Lithuania has a favourable footing to provide conveyance service, to condition the functioning of export systems on the basis: West-Lithuania-East and North-Lithuania-South. On purpose to operate successfully it is necessary to reconstruct the system of communication so that it corresponds with the requirements of the modern world and ensures the political stability. The Lithuanian economic relations globalization produced the versatile liberalization, universalizing the dissemination of different objects and experience that comes from all over the world: the network of Chinese restaurants operating in Lithuania is incorporated in the network of Chinese restaurants that are operating in other countries; modernization which is associated with the influence of American culture reconciling the dynamic of modern social structure with the principle of capitalism, rationalism and bureaucracy. MacDonald, Hollywood, CNN could be a good example of that relations. Nowadays globalization challenges and breakthroughs are related to deteritorisation, when the social environment is defined as the international territorial environment and territorial boundary. The restrictions imposed on the national sales of holding which contradict the principles of globalization could be presented as an excellent example.In Lithuania the land restitution is not imposed and this fact makes true-born Lithuanians feel happy. Transformations by their nature differ in advanced countries and development countries. The advanced countries undergo transformations in accordance to the following criteria: the workforce of high qualification; the experience to generate new ideas and innovations and tested instruments; the innovations with the high surplus value; individual (single-unit) production, applied to innovations.

2023-02-26 12:33:37
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