Gobelenų konservavimas ir restauravimas Lietuvos dailės muziejaus Prano Gudyno restauravimo centre

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Gobelenų konservavimas ir restauravimas Lietuvos dailės muziejaus Prano Gudyno restauravimo centre
Alternative Title:
Conservation and restoration of tapestries in the Lithuanian Art Museum’s (LAM’s) Pranas Gudynas Restoration Center
In the Journal:
Lietuvos dailės muziejaus metraštis [LDM metraštis]. 2007, t. 10, p. 89-100
Prancūzija (France); Lietuva (Lithuania); Apsauga ir restauravimas / Preservation and restoration; Muziejai / Museums.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Gobelenai; Konservavimas; Lietuvos dailės muziejus; Prano Gudyno restauravimo centras; Restauravimas; XVII a. meno istorija; Art history of XVII c; Conservation; Lithuanian Art Museum; Pranas Gudynas Restoration Center; Restoration; Tapestries.

ENThe article discusses the reason for the disintegration, conservation and restoration processes of three tapestries - Fox-hunting, Salomon’s Treasures and the Baptism of the King of France. It also presents the method for the cleaning and finishing (Fr.) of tapestries, and widely analyzes the restoration of tapestries by the technique imitating the weaving of tapestries. The Textile Restoration Department of the LAM’s Pranas Gudynas Restoration Center has conserved or restored over 20 historical tapestries woven in local weaving workshops or those of European countries. The authors write that before starting the conservation or restoration of tapestries they conducted researches the results of which made possible to identify materials, the reasons for the disintegration of tapestries and to choose methods for their conservation. The analysis of the warp and weft fibre of the tapestries showed that wool, silk, sometimes metal thread were used for weaving. The warp thread is woolen. The examination of dyestuff confirmed that the thread was dyed with vegetable dyes using metai salts as mordant.The thread used at earlier restorations was dyed with synthetic dyes. The analysis of the most disintegrated thread showed that the thread fibre pH was low in the most disintegrated places. The reason for such a low acidity, which caused the destruction of protein particularly silk fibre, can be not only the dyeing of thread but also improper preparation of the thread before weaving or processing it with acid, starch, sugar, sometimes - natural resin. Some of the investigators mention that a textile fibre can be damaged by calender or finishing of tapestres, or due to the affect of moisture and temperature. The reason for the disintegration of tapestries can be not only technological peculiarities of the fabric but also their improper keeping under dusty, dirty, dry or damp conditions, causing intensive biological pollution, inappropriate exhibiting and restoration. [From the publication]

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