Parodoje - išnykusios Mažosios Lietuvos vaizdiniai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Parodoje - išnykusios Mažosios Lietuvos vaizdiniai
Alternative Title:
In the exhibition - the views of the vanished Lithuania Minor
In the Journal:
Lietuvos dailės muziejaus metraštis [LDM metraštis]. 2007, t. 9, p. 245-254
Klaipėda. Klaipėdos kraštas (Klaipeda region); Neringa; Panevėžys; Šiauliai. Šiaulių kraštas (Šiauliai region); Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Fotografija / Photography; Ikonografija / Iconography; Kultūros paveldas / Cultural heritage.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Fotografai; Fotografija; Ikonografija; Mažoji Lietuva; Mažoji Lietuva, Parodos, Nuotraukos; Paroda; Parodos katalogas; Rytų Prūsija [East Prussia]; East Prussia; Eastern Prussia; Exhibition; Exhibition catalogue; Iconograpfy; Lithuania Minor; Lithuania Minor, Exhibitions, Photographies; Photographs; Photography.

ENOne of the strategic activity directions of the Lithuanian Art Museum is the investigation of the cultural heritage of Lithuanianism and a search for possibilities to familiarize Lithuanian public with the discoveries valuable for the history of the state. Recent years witness active and interesting discoveries in the sphere of photography - unexpected links are found in Lithuanian and Italian, Spanish and French cultures, and a particularly important visual excursion was offered by the exhibition Views of the Past from the Old Eastern Prussian Conservers Archive: The Lithuanian Art Museum jointly with the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw) originated the presentation of the photography collection from Eastern Prussia in Lithuania. The idea of the project - a three-year traveling exhibition coordinated by the Museum of Lithuania Minor in Klaipėda. Exhibition curators - Margarita Matulytė (Lithuanian Art Museum), Jan Pszypkowski and Piotr Jamski (Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences). After the premier at the Radvila Palace in Vilnius (March 8th 2005 - April 10th), the material was shown at the Museum of Lithuania Minor in Klaipėda (May 6th 2005 - August 31st) and in Görlic during the visit of the President Valdas Adamkus in Germany (October - November 2005).It is intended to present the collection in Neringa, Panevėžys, Šiauliai and other cities in Lithuania. The photographs from the old archive are impressive - the professionally chosen compositions, the captured essence of the fixed object, the created aesthetic views. Often photo-opportunity is given to casual passers-by, investing photographs with immediacy and liveliness of the sequence. Their authors seem to have been German architects, conservers of monuments, art historians and photographers: Adolf Bötticher, Richard Dethlefsen, Paul Horn, Carl Wünsch, Anton Ulbricht, who would often forget the main task of photo documents and created impulsively, getting into the spirit of the documented material. The Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Science granted to the Lithuanian Art Museum an exclusive right to publish part of the archive historically important to Lithuania in the exhibition catalogue. The valuable material will supplement the available rather poor iconography of Lithuania Minor and will be meaningfully integrated into science, art, culture and education fields. [From the publication]

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