LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Lytis; Savivaldybės; Vidutinė tikėtina gyvenimo trukmė be negalios; Disability-free life expectancy; Gender; Lithuania; Municipalities.
ENThe aim of the study was to evaluate disability-free life expectancy in Lithuania in 2012–2014 years by the municipalities, gender and age. Material and methods. The data about the average population in Lithuania in 2012–2014 years by the gender, age and the administrative area were available from the Lithuania department of statistics. The mortality data in 2012–2014 years by the gender, age and the administrative area were obtained from the Death registry. The data about the persons who were receiving disability or work incapacity benefits in 2012–2014 years by the age, gender, administrative area and the degree of disability were obtained from the data bases of Compulsory health insurance fund. The Sullivan method was applied for the assessment of disability-free life expectancy. Microsoft Excel was used to construct disability-free life expectancy survival tables. Results. 20 years old Lithuanian people could expect to live 50,2 years more without disability accounting 91,3 % of total adult life expectancy during the period of investigation. Disability-free life expectancy of Lithuanian males and females was respectively 44,9 and 55,3 years, accounting for 90,7 % of males and 91,8 % of females total life expectancy. Disability-free life expectancy differed in Western and South-Eeastern populations by 9 years: the highest disability-free life expectancy was in Kretinga municipality – 53,1 years, the lowest – in Šalčininkai municipality – 44,2 years. Women could expect to live healthier (disability-free life expectancy of 20 years old women was 11 years longer than man) and longer (life expectancy of 20 years old women was 10,4 years longer than man) than man. The differences between gender of disability-free life expectancy decreased with increasing of age.The largest difference of the disability-free life expectancy between adults (20 years old) males and females was in Ignalina, Zarasai, Molėtai municipalities, the smallest – in Kaunas city, Kaišiadorys and Prienai municipalities. [From the publication]