Lietuvių etnochoreografijos elementų taikymas autizmo sutrikimų turinčių vaikų ugdymui

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvių etnochoreografijos elementų taikymas autizmo sutrikimų turinčių vaikų ugdymui
Alternative Title:
Application of the Lithuanian ethno-choreography elements in the development of autistic children
In the Journal:
Edukacinės studijos. 2008, 5, p. 269-275, 291
Psichikos sveikata / Mental health; Specialusis ugdymas / Special education; Vaikai / Children.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Autizmas, etnochoreografija; Lietuvių etnochoreografijos elementai; Vaikai, turintys Autizmo sutrikimą; Autism, ethno choreography; Children with Autism; Lithuanian Ethno-choreography Elements.

ENThe authors claim that the possibilities of the application of Lithuanian ethnochoreography (roundels and dances) while educating autistic children have not been analyzed scientifically, although having looked into more than 600 pieces of Lithuanian ethno-choreography it is obvious that a major part of Lithuanian folk dances and roundels have an 'encoded' educational effect. An educational 'program-methodology based on the Lithuanian ethno-choreography and designed for the education of children with autistic disorders' was designed and scientifically grounded. Based on the analysis of the results of the research, it is claimed that this program-methodology will broaden the possibilities of communication, positive behaviour development, language development, tolerance for changes, body perception, creativity and other abilities in autistic children. [From the publication]

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