LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Jonas Lamauskas; Kultūrinės draugijos; Muzikinės tradicijos; Muzikos mokyklos; Petras Juodelė; Repertuaras; Simfoninis orkestras; Šiauliai; Šiaulių kraštas; Cultural societis; Jonas Lamauskas; Musical schools; Musical traditions; Petras Juodelė; Repertoire; Simphony orchestra; Symphony orchestra; Šiauliai; Šiauliai district.
ENThe musical traditions of Šiauliai region reach the 17th century when the organ started to be played in Šiauliai church built in 1625. In the beginning of the 20th century the new cultural societies stimulated the foundation of ensembles and choirs. The musical school moved from Klaipëda to Šiauliai and contributed to the making more active the life of the town. The school had a string orchestra and later on – a symphony orchestra that was formed in 1958 by P. Juodelė, the head of Šiauliai Musical School. The orchestra existed for 30 years. The then head of it J. Lamauskas formed Šiauliai chamber orchestra. [From the publication]