Polityka zagraniczna Litwy 1990-2012 : główne kierunki i uwarunkowania

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Polityka zagraniczna Litwy 1990-2012: główne kierunki i uwarunkowania
Publication Data:
Białystok : Wydawnictwo Uniwersyteckie Trans Humana, 2013.
293 p
Wprowadzenie – 1. Ku niezależności: Od powstania Sajudisu do Aktu Przywrócenia Państwa (11 marca 1990); Początki dyplomacji; Współpraca z Łotwą i Estonią. Negocjacje z Moskwą; Dyplomatyczna ofensywa na Zachodzie Stosunki z Polską; Od wydarzeń styczniowych do uznania międzynarodowego w sierpniu 1991 roku —2. W poszukiwaniu tożsamości (1991-1993): Uwarunkowania wewnętrzne; Stosunki z Rosją; Relacje z Polską; Opcja skandynawska i relacje z państwami bałtyckimi; Stosunki z Białorusią; Między Zachodem a Wschodem; Przełomowe ostatnie miesiące 1993 roku — 3. W drodze na Zachód (1994-2004): Sytuacja wewnętrzna; Od traktatu do strategicznego partnerstwa z Polską; Stosunki ze światem zachodnim; Relacje z Łotwą i Estonią; Długi cień Rosji; Stosunki z pozostałymi państwami — 4. Nowa polityka zagraniczna (2004-2009): Nowe wyzwania w nowych czasach; W oparciu o Polskę; Kierunek wschodni; Relacje z Zachodem — 5. Polityka zrównoważona i pragmatyczna (2009-2012): Okoliczności wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne; Załamanie strategicznego partnerstwa z Polską; Polityka wschodnia; Relacje ze światem zachodnim — Zakończenie — Wykaz źródeł i literatury — Streszczenie — PesioMe — Summary — Indeks osobowy.
Estija (Estonia); Latvija (Latvia); Lenkija (Poland); Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Rusija (Россия; Russia; Russia; Rossija; Rusijos Federacija; Rossijskaja Federacija); Kultūrinis identitetas / Cultural identitity; Užsienio politika / Foreign policy.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Užsienio politika; Tapatybė; Lenkija (Lenkijos karalystė. Kingdom of Poland. Poland); Latvija (Latvia); Estija (Estonia); Vakarų politika; Rytų politika; Naujoji politika; Lithuania; Foreign policy; Identity; Latvia; Western politics; Eastern policy; New policy; Rusija (Russia).

ENLithuanian foreign policy in 1990-2012 was shaped by different factors. Historical and cultural conditions that affected relations with neighboring states in particular were substantially important. Some program concepts o f the foreign policy derived from the achievements of national movement from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Moreover, ideological heritage of interwar independence was significant too. Several dozen years long experience of communist regime and membership in the USSR strongly affected the Lithuanian society. The process of regaining sovereignty from Moscow started at the end of the 1980s. What is more, in that period political life revived too. Lithuania's independence was formally regained in March 1990. However, it was internationally recognized as late as at the end of August 1991 after unsuccessful Moscow coup d’état (the so called Yanayev abortive coup). In 1990-1991 the framework of Lithuanian diplomacy was created. Between 1991 and 1993 Lithuania aimed at strengthening recently gained sovereignty. The state's political system eventually developed and democratic mechanisms settled. In external relations a key problem, i.e. evacuation of the former USSR's army troops deployed within the Lithuanian territory, remained. Moreover, confirmation o f territorial integrity and regulation of relations with neighbors appeared to be equally important. Most tasks were realized. At the end of 1993, to a great extent in effect of dramatic events in Moscow, Lithuanians finally believed in the necessity to adopt the Western option. Since then, the task has been realized by all governments.The next period, encompassing a decade between 1994 and 2004, was characterized by the intensification of efforts aimed at Euro-Atlantic integration. Joining NATO and the European Union became priorities for Lithuania. Relations with Poland were made an instrument to achieve the goal: to guarantee security and unrestricted economic development for Lithuania. Following the Lithuanian initiative, relations with Warsaw were given a dimension of strategic partnership. Vilnius was more and more intensively striving for the USA's support, the result of which, at the beginning of the 21th century was, among others, involvement in the wаг against terrorism. Despite numerous difficulties, contacts with Russia were generally proper. In this respect, Lithuania often differed from Latvia and Estonia. Relations with the Latvian neighbor became complicated due to the dispute for demarcation of the maritime border. Belarus remained an important partner for Lithuania and cooperation with it was maintained despite growing authoritarianism of President Alexander Lukashenko. In spring 2004 endeavors to join NATO and the EU were finally successful. As far as the integration of the country with Euro-Atlantic structures is concerned, in 2004 a concept of a new foreign policy was established in Lithuania. It was an answer to expectations from the USA, since then a key ally and guarantor of Lithuania's security. New foreign policy assumed increasing political activity in the post Soviet area. The concept was implemented in 2004- 2009. The effects of its implementation were not unambiguous.In 2009 Lithuania faced the need to revalue its foreign policy. International economic situation changed. The USA resigned from a confrontational style of policy towards Russia. Poland also redefined its own priorities. A key task for Lithuania became the provision of the states energy security. The problems were accompanied by social frustration, the wave o f populism was growing and nationalistic moods emerged. These changes coincided with the beginning of Dalia Grybauskaitės presidency. Cooperating with the government, the President revised foreign policy. Especially relations with Poland clearly cooled off Moreover, Vilnius started to more intensively search for support from North European countries. Lithuania returned to the idea of enlivening the cooperation of Baltic States. Moreover, contacts with Belarus considerably intensified, but the situation in Minsk stood in the way On the other hand, an attempt at repairing relations with Moscow proved partially successful. [From the publication]

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